KTU will participate in two international projects to improve cooperation in higher education

Important | 2023-02-03

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), together with other members of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU), will participate in two important projects: the European Status for ECIU University (ESEU) and the Future-proof Criteria for Innovative European Education (FOCI). These initiatives aim to strengthen cooperation between European universities and to develop criteria for a European degree.

ESEU project

The ESEU project aims to overcome legal obstacles to deeper, longer-term and flexible transnational cooperation by designing a suitable institutionalised cooperation instrument. The University of Twente, Kaunas University of Technology, INSA Rouen and the ECIU foundation have leading roles in the ESEU project. ECIU will work closely with national authorities and European organisations including the Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.

The project will start in March and will run for one year. It entails 250.000 euros, funded by the European Union.

FOCI project

The FOCI project brings together members of ECIU University, including KTU, YUFE and EPICUR Alliances. These Universities have been selected by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program towards exploring and piloting the possible criteria that will be the basis for the future European Degree.

The project will run for one year (March 2023 – March 2024) and will enhance the Alliance’s close partnerships and co-creation with diverse higher education stakeholders, including students, labour market representatives, national authorities and quality assurance agencies. Lithuanian National Union of Students agreed to take part in the project activities.

The ECIU currently consists of fourteen innovative Universities, including KTU. They are united by their commitment to entrepreneurship, innovation development, and the importance of lifelong learning for the higher education system, and have a positive impact on the European community. Since 2019, ECIU members are developing the European University – ECIU University.