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Today, Kaunas University of Technology community can be proud of:

  • competitive study programme portfolio and modern process
    of studies;
  • motivated students and highly competent lecturers;
  • research and experimental development corresponding to
    societal needs.
  • transfer of technology and innovation to business and
  • modern infrastructure adapted to studies and highest level
  • loyal community members working together and united in
    pursuit of their goals.


Interdisciplinary university, competitive at the international level, developing and transferring new knowledge and innovations. The University’s vision is pursued with regards to the University’s values via three value-creation chains and their objectives:


development of the high added-value future members of society;

Research and innovations

development of knowledge and technologies corresponding to societal needs and their transfer to students, business and public sector;

Organisational development

insurance of effective performance of the University’s activities and strengthening of the competencies of human resources.


The University’s community undertakes to ensure the quality of studies and research results, develop the University’s
ecosystem based on trust, creativity and leadership. Responsibly approaching the University’s role in the society and the significance of the created added-value, and taking into consideration the needs of various interested parties, the following missions are stipulated in the strategy:

For society

to be a proactive University creating a sustainable society;

For students and customers

to create and transfer interdisciplinary knowledge and innovative technologies that create value;

For each other

cooperate and together pursue ambitious goals constantly improving with external leaders in science and business.


Responsibility to society

Responsibility to students, employees and partners with regards to transparency, academic integrity of the University’s activities and social responsibility to people and nature;


Important within and outside the organisation. In cooperation, we aim to create a strong community with a constantly expanding network of partners;

Constant improvement

Ensuring that our University’s students are motivated and employees are inspiring professionals.

Historical development

Kaunas University of Technology had its beginning on 16 February 1922, when the University of Lithuania and its technical faculties were established.

The development of Lithuanian scientific ideas continued in the first Lithuanian independent technical school of higher education (in 1950–1990 titled Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (KPI)). It was famous for the ultrasound and vibrotechnics laboratories, and scientific research of textiles.

In 1990 KTU regained its status of the university and took a path of rapid reforms of studies and research. The University continues to pursue sustainable partnership of science, business and industry, develops and implements new ideas, innovations and inventions.

Since 1922 more than 157 thousand graduates graduated from the university.

Facts and figures

  1. The Kaunas University of Technology has 9 faculties, 8 institutes, 9 research centres, 23 student organisations, 12 dormitories, 7 art groups, KTU Activated Sports and Wellness Centre offering 20 types of sports training, and a Technologija publishing house.
  2. KTU is the founder of two integrated centres (valleys) of research, studies and business – Santaka and Nemunas. The KTU National Innovations and Entrepreneurship Centre is responsible for the protection and commercialisation of the university’s scientific production. The university has an established Artificial Intelligence Centre responsible for the formulation of KTU’s policy on the development and coordination of activities related to artificial intelligence.
In 2023, the total number of Kaunas University of Technology students was 7407, of which 1143 were foreign citizens. There were 4984 first-cycle students, of which 507 were foreign citizens. There were 2028 second-cycle students, of which 273 were foreign citizens. There were 331 third-cycle students, of which 95 were foreign citizens. There were 267 part-time students, all part-time students were foreign citizens.
In 2023, 365 KTU students went on international exchange programs, of which 267 went for partial studies and 98 for internships.
In 2023, 47 first-cycle study programs were conducted at KTU, of which 21 were conducted in English. There were 55 second-cycle study programs, 27 of which were in English. 20 study programs were conducted for third-cycle students and all of them were conducted in English. One program in English was conducted for students of integrated studies and one program for students of professional studies.
In 2023, KTU had 1754 employees, occupied FTEs. Of them, 579 were teachers, 132 – researchers and 138 project staff. In 2023, the number of academic staff at KTU reached 1052, of which 71 academic staff were foreign citizens.


The Rector is the University’s sole executive body acting on behalf of and representing the University. Rectorate is the Rector’s advisory institution. The Rectorate consists of the Rector, Vice-Rectors, faculty Deans, the President of the Student Union, as well as heads of other divisions appointed by the Rector’s order.

International relations

KTU has cooperation agreements with more than 350 higher education institutions in 50 countries of the world. Memorandums of Understanding, Student and staff exchange and “Erasmus+” inter-institutional agreements allow the University to develop strategic partnerships with foreign institutions in studies and research, and for our staff and students to go for academic exchange. At the moment, most of our partners are from the European Union countries but the cooperation map is quickly expanding.

ECIU university


ECIU University is an innovative European University where challenge-based learning covers many activities: teaching and learning, research and development, and innovation.

University's image and branding

Brand resources

Logo and style guide embody KTU identity and ensure a close relation between a particular publication and the University. In this section you will find the University’s logo and the coat of arms, and other resources, such as KTU soundtrack by the German music group De-Phazz. For the correct usage of the University’s logo, please check the style guide.

Sustainability and quality

University acts responsibly

KTU acts in a responsible manner based on the common university values. Sustainable development which promotes responsible, environmentally-friendly behaviour and ecological culture is one of the priorities of KTU activities. The University maintains the attitude that new knowledge and technologies have to serve for the well-being of the people as well as the environment. KTU sustainable development strategy and activities were awarded the European Union’s QUESTE-SI accreditation.

University’s quality management

The University’s quality management principles are inseparable from the development and implementation of the organisation’s strategic objectives, aspirations, priority activities and plans. The main objective of quality management at the University is to be a strong socially responsible organisation that fosters an academic environment – attracts motivated students and high-performing employees – by ensuring the integrity of quality management processes and the University’s strategy.

Kaunas University of Technology is the founder and co-founder of a number of educational institutions, both with partners and individually.

Membership in organisations


Membership from 1991


Initiator from 1997


Membership from 1998


Membership from 2000


Membership from 2001


Partner from 2005


Member of the Council from 2008

Membership from 2016

Membership from 2016

Membership from 2019

Membership from 2019

Awarded 2020

Membership from 2021