KTU Has Joined Unitown – the Network of Excellence for University Cities

Important | 2016-11-29

In November 2016 in Bergamo (Italy) Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Kaunas City Municipality and Vytautas Magnus University were announced as official members of the Unitown – the Network of Excellence for University Cities.

New memberships were announced during the Annual Unitown members’ meeting at the University of Bergamo, which is a long standing partner of KTU in students and teachers exchange through the Erasmus + programme.

“Kaunas has had well established relationship between the city and universities for years. Today KTU is an is an inseparable part of Kaunas city. The University’s membership in the Unitown network is one more step towards strengthening this relationship and making it visible city-, nation- and Europe-wise”, said Živilė Paužaitė, Manager of International Academic Exchange and Networks.

The Unitown (launched in 2013) brings together municipalities characterised by the presence of a prestigious academic community as well as universities, which significantly shape the overall structure, and daily life of the urban space in which they are located. Each of these municipalities and universities has established mutual relationships to solve daily life problems and has devised common views and visions of the University City as a whole. This is what Unitown expects from every partner, together with the will to share their experiences and good practices in town-gown relations and to shape them as a dynamic international network of excellence.

Kaunas city is often branded “a capital of students” as students and universities are active participants of the Kaunas city life. Joining Unitown network will facilitate future local and international cooperation for the city and the universities involved, and will make them more productive and easy.

For more information please visit the Unitown website.