KTU Alumni Reunion Next Saturday

Important | 2017-05-26

“When choosing a university future students try not only to choose the best study programme, but also check the alumni network of that university. The university graduates from alumni clubs and associations are transforming into professional communities, who provide career and study support for students and graduates”, says Rimantė Hopenienė, the coordinator of KTU Alumni Association.

According to her, in some universities the term “alumni” is extended also to the Erasmus+ students coming for study exchange. They are included into the data bases and all the information about the alumni activities is being spread across the world.

Although in Lithuania the alumni organisations are relatively new, the KTU Alumni Association founded in 2011 has more than 1 thousand of registered members today. However, even if you are not registered, but have graduated this university, you are considered its alumni.

KTU Alumni Association already has a clearly defined identity, traditions and unique events. The KTU Alumni Reunion, which will take place next Saturday 3 June, is hopefully becoming one of them.

On the day, all the graduates of KTU are invited for the reunion to the University campus: to walk in the corridors of the faculties, to sit in the lecture halls and rooms, to talk to the professors and to see how the Alma Mater has changed.

The University will meet them with open doors, offering opportunities to get together with the old classmates and to meet people they might not have known during the study years.

Please, register to the event here.