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Quality management

Quality management objectives

The main objective of quality management at the University is to be a strong socially responsible organisation that fosters an academic environment – attracts motivated students and high-performing employees – by ensuring the integrity of quality management processes and the University’s strategy.

Quality management key principles:

  • ensuring synergy with key national and international quality regulations and guidelines in higher education;
  • quality assurance and quality development are guided by the University’s vision, mission, values, strategy, priority areas of activities and objectives set out in the action plan;
  • promoting leadership at all levels of management to enable quality management of the organisation;
  • continuous monitoring, evaluation and improvement of study, research and organisational management activities and processes to ensure the quality and efficiency of the University’s activities;
  • data management assurance in operational processes and data-driven decision-making;
  • involving all University’s social stakeholders in quality assurance and improvement processes;
  • ensuring the efficient use of resources and the systematic development of the competencies of the University’s employees;
  • accurate, clear, transparent and objective communication, focusing on all the University’s social stakeholders.

The University’s quality management principles are inseparable from the development and implementation of the organisation’s strategic objectives, aspirations, priority activities and plans. Formulated and consistently implemented, University’s strategy helps to shape the organisation’s structure and vision and set strategic directions and priority objectives. The latter, in turn, have a direct impact not only on decisions that can be measured as quantitative results but also on the qualitative principles of the organisation’s management.

In implementing the University’s strategic objectives, the University community aims to ensure high quality of study and research results, consistently improve performance results and build a University’s ecosystem based on trust, creativity and leadership. To become a university recognised in Europe and internationally competitive, the University implements and continuously improves its quality system based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education (hereinafter – ESQF), the key higher education policy documents of the European Union, the European 2 Qualifications Framework, the European standards and guidelines, the laws and legislation governing higher education in the Republic of Lithuania, and best practices. The compliance of the University’s quality management system with the ESG is based on the University’s legislation.


Continuous improvement

The system is based on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act/Adjust) model which enables quality assurance and continuous improvement of activities/processes. The model helps to ensure the implementation of regular action planning processes, including the launching of new initiatives to promote the development of the quality of the University’s activities, the various levels of planning of the University’s activities (from the preparation of long-term planning documents at the strategic level to the short-term planning of activities of individual employees); periodic monitoring processes, internal control and assessment of operational risks; the provision of feedback, the identification and analysis of problems and areas for improvement; and continuous improvement of performance.


The University's quality management system

Scheme PDCA



The quality of the University’s activities is linked to the successful identification of strategic priorities, the setting of appropriate objectives and the need to articulate what the specific objectives mean for the community. The mission, vision, values and general operational principles, strategic operational priorities, key performance indicators and key needs for change identified in the University’s strategy provide the University’s community with the guidelines to guide day-to-day activities and improvement processes. Based on the University’s strategic operational documents, the University’s departments prepare annual action and financial plans which describe the specific activities and/or measures planned to achieve the department’s objectives, identify the expected results, plan the financial and other required resources, and assign the responsible persons. The implementation of the short-term planning process at the level of individual departments ensures not only the implementation of strategic activities, but also the identification of the quality objectives for the University’s activities which are focused on the improvement of the University’s internal processes and the satisfaction of the needs of stakeholders, and their and integration into the department’s action plan. Employees also prepare their annual activity plans (up to grade 11 job positions), taking into account the objectives and planned activities of the department. All planning processes at the University are regulated by legislation.

Long-term planning

The University Strategy 2021-2025 defines the vision of KTU to become an internationally competitive, interdisciplinary technological university that creates and transfers knowledge and innovation. The University’s vision for the future is also highlighted in the three main areas of the University’s activities which are reflected in three value chains: the value chain in studies, the value chain in research and innovation and the value chain in organisational development.

The mission of the University is shaped by proper assessment of all activities of the University, the expectations of the University community and society as well as taking into account the needs of the various stakeholders. To students and customers, the University’s mission is to create and transfer interdisciplinary knowledge and innovative technologies that create value. To society, KTU commits to be a driven University and to create a sustainable society, and to each other, the University community has pledged to collaborate and work together to achieve ambitious goals, while continuously developing with external scientific and business leaders.

The implementation of the vision and mission of the University, as well as the strategic objectives and activities, is based on the values of KTU community: responsibility to society which includes the responsibility to the University community, in terms of transparency of the University’s activities, academic integrity and social responsibility to people and the environment; cooperation which is important to everyone both within and outside the organisation; and continuous development to ensure that motivated students are studying and inspiring professional employees are working at the University.

The quality of the organisation’s activities is inseparable from the successful identification of strategic priorities, the setting of appropriate objectives and the implementation of relevant activities. Long-term objectives must be supported by clear priority activities in both the long and short term. Achieving the objectives is also closely linked to the need to identify what the specific objectives mean for the organisational community. KTU Strategy 2021-2025 identifies long-term strategic objectives:

  • Development of international relations;
  • Improvement of the quality of studies;
  • Research and innovation breakthrough;
  • Maintaining organisational sustainability.

The implementation of strategic priority objectives will help to ensure:

  • Consistent enhancement of the quality of value created for students and employees, and the development of research-based studies;
  • Effective solutions for research and innovation and sustainable solutions for national welfare;
  • Sustainable systemic management of the organisation and community building.

To ensure a successful implementation of KTU Strategy in the long term and taking into account the expert recommendations received in the previous external evaluation, KTU Strategy is based on the supporting strategies for individual areas of activities – long-term strategic guidelines. The development guidelines have been developed for the following main areas of activities: studies, research and innovation, human resource management, development of international relations, marketing and communication management, IT infrastructure management and sustainable development.

Main activity


In this phase, the implementation of quality management and operational processes takes place in three main areas of the University’s activities, represented by three value chains:

  • the value chain in studies, where the priorities of the implemented activities include the improvement of study programmes and processes, the continuous development of competencies in academic personnel and the modernisation of the study environment;
  • the value chain in research and innovation, where the priorities of implemented activities include increasing and improving research results, building a sustainable research, experimental development and innovation ecosystem and strengthening the international project portfolio;
  • the value chain in organisational development, where the priorities of the implemented activities include developing human resources, ensuring effective internal and external communication and modernising study and research infrastructure.

During the implementation phase, the tasks set out in the plans of the University, departments and individual employees are implemented within the planned timeframes and using the planned resources, and there is continuous communication and cooperation with the University’s academic and non-academic community, social partners and students.


Quality assurance in studies and lifelong learning is based on six key components: i) the study management model (including the study management model and responsibilities, and the management of the study programme portfolio), ii) the organisation of student-centred education, iii) the system for the development of teachers’ competencies, iv) the system for the success of students in the University, v) the monitoring system (including the feedback and monitoring systems and their development) and vi) the publicity to the community and society.

Internal study quality assurance is an integral part of the University’s quality assurance system, as defined in the description of the Internal Study Quality Assurance System, approved by the Senate.

More information about Guidelines for development of studies » and Guidelines for development of international relations ».

*To connect to the University’s internal document management system, sso and vpn.

vpn – access is only possible with a secure connection through a virtual private network.
ssoSingle Sign-On Authentication are used when connecting to the University’s IT services and / or systems.
ltu – information only in Lithuanian.

Monitoring and performance improvement


The University uses defined indicators for the evaluation of activities and the achievement of results to monitor and evaluate the success of the achievement of the set objectives of the activities and the quality of the achieved results, taking into account various relevant aspects of different activities. Following the principles of transparency and smooth communication, feedback information collected through quality assurance processes is published and discussed with the University community and all stakeholders. In addition to continuous monitoring of the quality of the University’s activities, the University’s managers and those responsible for the implementation of internal quality processes regularly check that the quality assurance and improvement system is appropriate and in line with the fundamental principles and objectives of organisational quality management.


The systematic collection and aggregation of opinions enable the evaluation of the University’s performance, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders. The feedback collection process covers all value chains. Feedback from the University’s stakeholders is collected based on the 360° principle and includes feedback and evaluations from students, lecturers, employees, alumni and employers. The University collects feedback through e-surveys, round table discussions and meetings with stakeholders.

One of the main feedback collection tools used at the University is surveys. The organisation of feedback from social stakeholders is regulated by the Guidelines for the Organisation of Feedback from KTU Social Stakeholders  sso ¦ vpn ¦ ltu, approved by the Rector’s order. A plan of the University’s planned surveys  is approved annually  sso ¦ vpn ¦ ltu.

The results of the surveys are particularly valuable to the University and are used to improve the quality of organisation and provision of studies. The results of the surveys are used to evaluate and improve study programmes and modules, the quality and competence of lecturers, and to resolve issues related to infrastructure, material and other support. The results of the surveys are used as follows:

  • by study programme committees when approving modules;
  • by the evaluation commission for the performance evaluation of lecturers;
  • by the administration and student associations to solve the issues of quality in studies;
  • the general results of the survey are discussed at meetings of the Rector’s Office, deans of faculties and departments;
  • the initiator of the survey is responsible for discussing, publicising and communicating the results of the survey and/or using them to improve performance;
  • the initiator of the surveys, the Internal Control and Quality Committee and/or the Study Quality Committee monitor performance improvement actions according to their areas of responsibility.

The University’s surveys are organised electronically, survey participants are provided with digital questionnaires generated by the “LimeSurvey” or “Microsoft Forms”. The process of organising the surveys is implemented by the Strategy Monitoring and Quality Office.

Follow-up activities

Act / Adjust

The results of the University’s activities are analysed in terms of the management of the University’s studies, research and arts and organisational activities. All decisions on quality improvement are made by the management of the University and are always based on facts, i.e., based on qualitative and/or quantitative information. The results of the performance evaluation are periodically analysed and effectively used to review and improve internal performance objectives and implementation processes. Once the necessary changes have been agreed upon and specific improvement activities are being implemented, a new cycle of PDCA is restarted, thus ensuring consistency and effectiveness of the introduced changes.

Follow-up activities are an integral part of the organisation’s internal quality management and development processes, aimed at continuous improvement of performed activities. Effective follow-up activities are based on systematic monitoring of the implementation of plans and activities, continuous improvement of identified problem areas, and effective resource management. The University implements both periodic follow-up processes based on the findings of external and internal evaluations in different areas (including, but not limited to, institutional evaluation, evaluation of study fields, evaluation of research activities, external and internal audits, etc.) and continuous follow-up activities based on the monitoring of the implementation of the activities, the execution of budgets, the use of resources, the analysis of the results of the feedback collected by the University in different ways, etc.

Key stages for the follow-up of periodic evaluations:

  • Analysis of the evaluation findings.
  • Identification of improvement measures and preparation of a performance improvement plan taking into account the areas for improvement identified during the preparation for evaluation, the evaluation findings and the recommendations of the experts.
  • The performance improvement plan is implemented within the deadlines for the development/improvement of the selected measures, the assigned responsibilities and the targeted achievement of the planned results.
  • The implementation of the performance improvement plan is monitored at set intervals and, if necessary, additional decisions are made or additional resources mobilised to ensure the achievement of the expected results.

Key stages for continuous follow-up:

  • The University monitors the implementation of its strategic activities annually. The strategic action plan is reviewed and clarified annually in the light of the actual results of the received state appropriations, global, regional or national trends, and significant external or internal changes, adjusting the planned activities of the organisation accordingly and ensuring efficient use of the available resources.
  • Each year, an activity monitoring report is drawn up. It analyses and evaluates the University’s performance. The prepared Monitoring Report is submitted to the University’s management for information and decision-making regarding the necessary changes to the activity plans for the current year.
  • The results of the monitoring are used to plan and/or improve further activities aiming to achieve a higher level of quality. In addition, if necessary, the results of the Monitoring Report and/or the risks identified in the implementation of activities may be used to adjust the current year’s activity plans of individual departments of the University.


Department of Strategy and Quality Management

Strategy Monitoring and Quality Office
K. Donelaičio St. 73-312, LT- 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania