Scientific events


R&D&I at KTU

Innovative fundamental and applied research solutions corresponding to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges are being developed at the University. Leadership, high quality of scientific results and new research discoveries mobilise the academic community, and the latest research achievements and acquired practical experience are transferred to students.
University researchers develop and transfer interdisciplinary knowledge and advanced technologies to domestic and foreign industry, business and the public sector by implementing projects of international and national research programmes and executing contracts for outsourced research and development, and innovation (R&D&I).

University’s vision – interdisciplinary university, competitive at the international level, developing and transferring new knowledge and innovations.

The University’s Strategy 2021–2025 confirms the priorities of R&D&I activities, which are especially important for the viability of the country and its knowledge-based sustainable economic, social and cultural development:
Transformation of Industry
Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities

At the University, R&D&I activities are developed in two broad areas, concentrating competence and potential in the fields:
Technologies for Sustainable Future: Artificial intelligence and robotics; Biomedical engineering and medical technologies; Chemical and environmental technologies; Diagnostic technologies; Applied mathematics; Electronics and electrical engineering; Functional materials and technologies; Information and communication technologies; Food systems and biotechnologies; Mechanical and transportation engineering; Construction technologies; Applied and medicinal chemistry; Sustainable energy
Sustainable Sociocultural Development: Architecture, urban activities and cultural heritage; Audio-visual arts; Educational environments and technologies; Financial technologies; Economic analytics and competitiveness; Business models; Innovation management and entrepreneurship; Organisational development; Industrial design; Digital media and culture; Public administration

In 2021-2025 the University’s academic community will concentrate on its attempts to achieve a research and innovation breakthrough and will pay special attention to:
1. Improvement of Research Results – by performing the highest level research corresponding to the changes in the economic, cultural, political and social environment,
2. Development of R&D&I Ecosystem – by developing transfer of R&D&I knowledge and technologies, entrepreneurial activities and the University’s infrastructure,
3. Planning of International Project Portfolio – by the University being a leader in Lithuania in the participation in EU programme “Horizon 2020” projects and achieving even greater success, concentration of the leaders in science and studies, and encouraging interdisciplinary and international cooperation.

The University’s Strategy in the field of research is implemented by the University’s faculties and research institutes, assisted by departments subordinated by the Vice-Rector for Research and other non-academic departments.

The achievement of the goals of research defined in the University’s Strategy is coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Research.

Research activities in the faculties are organized and coordinated by vice-deans of research, and the performance of research activities is ensured by deans. In research institutes, these functions are performed by their directors.

Doctoral committees assist in the coordination of research fields developed at the University, as well as interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary activities.

In the faculties, the academic staff gathers in research groups. Research groups carry out research on particular topics that contribute to the sustainable development of the region and ensure research-based studies, cooperation with business, and talent development. More information on research groups can be found on the website of each research group.

The University’s R&D&I infrastructure is presented in the Open Access Centre Information System (APCIS) and is managed through the laboratory centres of faculties, the laboratories of research institutes, concentrating research equipment in large structures and thus increasing its operational efficiency. The system APCIS also includes more than 1,200 research services provided by University researchers, which can be used by business, public institution and researchers.

R&D&I services and infrastructure

KTU provides high-quality R&D&I and equipment usage services via Open Access Centre, which is a “one-stop-shop” for inquiries.

Accredited laboratories:

Building Materials and  Structures Research Centre | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Building Physics Laboratory | Institute of Architecture and Construction

Food Research Centre | Food Institute


The impact of R&D&I

KTU researchers contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and technological development through their research. The University conducts research on exclusive competence in issues of public interest and develops new technologies, products and processes.

KTU trains future scientists who are able to be creative and innovative in solving scientific problems, have a positive impact on the development of society and are able to work in both academic and non-academic positions.



Department of Research Affairs

K. Donelaičio g. 73, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania