Answers to KTU Students’ Questions Related to Studies

Important | 2024-05-24

Assoc. Prof. Dr Kristina Ukvalbergienė, who has held the position of the Vice-Rector for Education of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) since November 2023, and the teams of the Department of Academic Affairs and the Department of Student Affairs, met with students from all the faculties in March and April.

During the meetings, Ukvalbergienė reminded the students of the mission and vision of KTU, presented the strategic priorities of studies, discussed the topics of the organisation and quality of studies, and answered relevant questions.

The uniqueness of KTU studies was emphasised

“The vision of the university defines the future aspirations and at the same time emphasises how the organisation should be positioned in the future. The vision of KTU is to be an internationally competitive, interdisciplinary and technological university that creates and transfers knowledge and innovations,” emphasised KTU Vice-Rector for Education.

KTU studies
Dr Kristina Ukvalbergienė, KTU Vice-Rector for Education

The Vice-Rector presented to the students how the vision is pursued through three value chains: studies, research and innovation, and organisational development. The aim of the study field, which contributes to the realisation of the university’s vision, is to develop the members of future society capable of creating high added value.

Taking into account global practices, higher education and job market trends, KTU strategy, after discussions with various stakeholders (vice-deans for education, University Study Quality Committee, heads of study programmes and students), the University agreed on the value of KTU studies.

“It is important for KTU studies to stand out as unique: student-centred, based on science and research, experimentation, interdisciplinary and international, and for the study environment to be motivating and encouraging consistent development of competencies,” said Ukvalbergienė.

Model based on competencies

The aim is for students who choose to study at KTU to have a transformative and motivating learning experience. This can be achieved by implementing a study model focused on competencies, applying innovative pedagogy and achievement assessment, integrating technologies into the learning process, and strengthening co-creation with stakeholders.

“The learning environment must be inspiring and supportive, with universal design principles used in the study processes and ensuring socio-emotional well-being. For KTU graduates to be competitive in the job market, studies must be interdisciplinary and international, and given the dynamic labour market environment, it is important to offer flexible lifelong learning opportunities to graduates,” said the Vice-Rector of Education.

During the meetings with students, Ukvalbergienė highlighted the strategic objectives of studies and presented some of them in detail. Students were invited to comment on whether the most relevant topics and areas were mentioned.

Students received answers

KTU studies
In spring 2024, KTU Vice-Rector for Education met with students at their faculties

Students who participated in the meetings shared their opinions that the university should pay more attention to the processes of adapting studies and ensuring the inclusion of community members and that the study environment (especially the information environment) should be accessible to persons with disabilities.

The need for digitisation of the study process, including the digitisation of written work, was also emphasised. The meetings included discussions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in students’ work, the scope of independent work, the development of leadership and other competencies in studies, doctoral studies, and the opportunities offered by ECIU.

The students were also interested in and discussed the psychological support provided to students at the university and KTU plans for the development of the Student Campus.

“The diversity of questions asked by students only confirms their willingness to look into the processes of study organisation and contribute to the improvement of study quality. The suggestions made by the students during the meetings will be considered in the implementation of the strategic priorities of studies,” emphasised Ukvalbergienė after the meetings.