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Approaching selection for exchange studies abroad

Selection of doctoral students for academic mobility abroad

The deadline for application submission is the 10th day of each month (except for July, August and December).  

Selections take place each month at the Erasmus+ doctoral academic mobility selection meeting.   


September 2025 – main selection for the studies abroad in the autumn semester of the 2025-2026

The application period runs from 1 February to 1 March 2025.

Faculty selection will take place from 3 to 7 March 2025.

If you do not have a valid certificate proving your level of English language proficiency, you have to register for an English language test at KTU. Tests will take place on the 25 February from 17:30. Consultation with the lecturer regarding the Erasmus+ English language proficiency test will take place on the 24 September, 17:30 PM remotely. Registration for a test and consultation is here. 

The updated list of agreements is available here. 

General information

Erasmus+ programme

Students can receive an Erasmus+ scholarship for studies or internship several times during one study cycle, but the total duration of mobility cannot exceed 12 months. For the students of integrated studies, the corresponding duration is 24 months.  

Opportunities of the programme:  

  • Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is an activity of the Erasmus+ programme where a student leaves for exchange studies abroad in another higher education institution for physical mobility of at least 5 working days and at most 30 working days, with a compulsory virtual component, and where students have to obtain a minimum of 3 ECTS during this mobility.  
  • Exchange studies abroad are an activity of the Erasmus+ programme where a student leaves for exchange studies abroad in another higher education institution for a period of at least 2 months in the autumn and/or spring semesters.  

Students can also combine a period of study abroad with an internship, further expanding learning outcomes and developing universal skills 

Selection criteria are as follows: a grade point average of 6.5+, knowledge of the foreign language, motivation, compatibility with the study plan. 

Before mobility

Students selected for Erasmus+ or Bilateral Exchange have to do the following:

  1. Erasmus+ students – coordinate study modules with the international relations coordinator of the faculty, complete and sign a learning agreement via the Mobility Online system. 

Bilateral exchange students – coordinate study modules with the international relations coordinator of the faculty, complete and sign a part time study plan and upload it to the Mobility Online system. 

  1. Find out what documents are required to be submitted to the foreign university and the deadline for submission. This information is available on the host university’s website. The most common documents are the Application Form, the Transcript of Records and the Learning Agreement. It is important to note the deadlines and requirements for registration. 
  2. Register for part time studies at a foreign university. 
  3. Wait for an invitation letter. 

If you decide NOT to go, you must immediately inform KTU Exchange Programmes Manager,  the international relations coordinator of the faculty and the host institution. 

During mobility

During Erasmus+ and Bilateral Exchange studies, students have to do the following:

Finalise and fully sign the learning agreement. Changes to the learning agreement can be made within one month from the beginning of the studies and must be agreed upon and signed by the host and sending universities via the Mobility Online system (During the Mobility – Changes).  

After mobility

After returning from Erasmus+ and Bilateral Exchange studies, students have to do the following:

  • Upload the following documents in the Mobility Online system:  
  • Officially signed and stamped certificate of the time spent and present the original to KTU Exchange Programmes Manager. 
  • A copy of the Transcript of Records  with grades and credits for the modules passed. 
  • Submit an application for resuming studies at KTU at the faculty (AIS) and complete the Study Credit Card together with the international relations coordinator of the faculty.  
  • Complete and submit the EU online survey form. Data for login to the website are sent at the end of the period of partial studies.  

The balance of the scholarship is paid after the student has settled his/her partial studies. If the study period is shortened by more than 5 days, the scholarship is recalculated and paid according to the actual time spent.  

The results of partial studies are not included in the determination of the level of academic achievement. They are also not transferred to the University’s evaluation system. 

Financial support

Erasmus+ scholarship for studies

If you are successful in the Erasmus+ selection, you can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship. The amount of the scholarship depends on the host country. The ERASMUS+ scholarship is part time, i.e. it does not cover all living costs, so all outgoing students must have additional funds. 


Group of countries   Amount of scholarship   Programme countries  
  674 €/month + reimbursement of travel costs * Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Ireland. Third countries that are not Associated States of the Programme, from Regions 13 and 14
II   674 €/month  + reimbursement of travel costs * Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia.
III   606 €/month  + reimbursement of travel costs * Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey.
   Amount of scholarship   Third countries which are not associated states of the Programme 
IV   700 €/month + reimbursement of travel costs **   Third countries that are not Associated Programme Countries from Regions 1-12


**Travel distance   Green travel – Amount Amount
10-99 km 56 EUR per participant 28 EUR per participant
100-499 km 285 EUR per participant 211 EUR per participant
500-1 999 km 417 EUR per participant 309 EUR per participant
2 000-2 999 km 535 EUR per participant 395 EUR per participant
3 000-3 999 km 785 EUR per participant 580 EUR per participant
4 000-7 999 km 1 188 EUR per participant 1 188 EUR per participant
8 000 km or more 1 735 EUR per participant 1 735 EUR per participant


Note: “travel distance” refers to the distance from the place of origin to the place of performance of the action, while “amount” includes the funds for travel to and from the place of performance of the action.  


The minimum period of studies for which an Erasmus+ scholarship can be awarded is 2 months.  

The final amount for the mobility period is determined by multiplying the number of months of the mobility with the rate applicable per month for the receiving country. In the case of incomplete months, the financial support is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the incomplete month with 1/30 of the unit cost per month. 

Erasmus+ scholarship is transferred into the student’s personal account. 90% of the scholarship is transferred before departure, 10% after return and after payment of the tuition fees.  

The scholarship is awarded in addition to any university or other scholarships, i.e. the payment of national scholarships, contributions and loans is not suspended during the studies abroad. Students are also obliged to pay the standard academic fees to the institution in their home country or the country in which they are studying and comply with other conditions stipulated in the student’s learning agreement.  

Students who are selected but do not receive an EU grant may receive the Erasmus+ zero grant. In this case, they are participants in the programme, meet all the criteria for student mobility and benefit from all the advantages offered to Erasmus+ students. They can receive a regional, national or another type of scholarship to cover mobility costs. All Erasmus+ requirements, except for the award of the scholarship, are mandatory for “zero grant” students.  

Students can also apply for additional financial support; more information is available here. 


Erasmus+ studies  

Documents for selection 

Documents are uploaded to the Mobility Online system when completing the application at the time of selection. 

Before leaving 

After returning 


You can study under the Erasmus+ programme several times, as long as you have used up the 12 months allowed (combined with the Erasmus+ internship). This period is recalculated at each cycle of studies. 

You can go for part time studies during the autumn or spring semester. First-year bachelor’s students and students in their final semester are not eligible for exchange studies. 

Bilateral agreements are agreements between KTU and a foreign university for cooperation and academic exchange of students. It is a great opportunity for students who want to study for a semester or two in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Canada, etc. The cooperation agreement guarantees students free tuition at the host university. KTU students who participate in the selection and meet the selection requirements can apply for the Mobility Scholarship. 

In 2014, the Erasmus+ programme was expanded and a new possibility for students to study for one semester in partner countries (non-EU countries) was introduced: the Western Balkan countries, the Southern Mediterranean countries, the Eastern Partnership countries, the Asian countries, the Central Asian countries, the Latin American countries and other partner countries with whose higher education institutions KTU has signed inter-institutional cooperation agreements.  

Applications are submitted and selections for Erasmus+ exchange studies are organised twice a year. Selection for the autumn semester of the following academic year takes place in March of the current academic year (the deadline for application submission is in February) and selection for the spring semester takes place in September/October of the same academic year (the deadline for application submission is in September). 

Good academic results (minimum grade point average of the completed semesters 6.5 for Erasmus+, 7.5 for the bilateral exchange programme); good knowledge of the language in which the studies will be provided (B2 level or higher); compliance of the study plan at the foreign higher education institution with the study programme at KTU; strong motivation to study at the chosen foreign higher education institution. A student with debts is not eligible for exchange studies.  

Instructions for completing the application for semester exchange are available here. Instructions for completing the application for short term exchange are available here. If you have any further questions, please contact KTU Outgoing student mobility manager or the international relations coordinator of the faculty.  

The main criteria for choosing an Erasmus+ student are the language of the lectures and the compatibility of the study programmes. The most popular countries for KTU students are Scandinavian countries, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain. 

The departure period should be at least 2 months and no longer than 12 months. The duration of the study period depends on the student’s choice of study location. Generally, Erasmus+ students go for one semester, but there are some universities where it is necessary to go for one year. If you leave in the autumn semester, you can extend your studies into the spring semester. 

No, it is not required to choose 3 universities, but we recommend that you include 2-3 institutions in your application to increase your chances of being selected. A student who has been selected to go to the university of his/her choice can change his/her host institution after the selection and choose another university where there are still places available after the selection. 

Students must find out for themselves the procedures and deadlines for submitting documents to foreign universities. The dates by which foreign universities accept applications can be found on the websites of partner universities.  

The initial version of this document is completed together with the international relations coordinator of the faculty and sent together with the Erasmus+ application documents to the host university. Students going to Erasmus+ countries complete the electronic learning agreement via the Mobility Online system. Students going to Erasmus+ partner countries complete a paper learning agreement, which they receive in Word format, sign and upload it to the Mobility Online system. This document can be amended during the first month of studies after arriving at the foreign university. 

Together with the head of your study programme, you should carefully review and select the modules of your host institution abroad. The total amount of credits for modules must be 30 ECTS. Only modules that have been agreed upon in advance and comply with the study programme will be eligible for credit and inclusion in the diploma supplement. Modules must be assessed by a grade (grades may be expressed in letters). Some foreign universities use a pass/fail system. If you are studying in master’s studies, you must also choose modules from the programme of the master’s studies at the foreign institution. The modules of bachelor’s studies completed by master’s students cannot be credited. 

Erasmus+ scholarship is intended to cover the additional costs of mobility: i.e. travel, insurance and living expenses (e.g. dormitory fees), but may not cover the full cost of studying abroad. Therefore, it is essential to have extra funds available when you go to study. How much extra money you will need depends on the standard of living in the country and the personal habits and needs of each student. 

If you do not attend the full semester and do not pass the exams, your Erasmus+ studies will not be credited and you will have to repay the full scholarship. If the mobility period is reduced by more than 5 days (the period cannot be less than 2 months), the scholarship will be recalculated and the part of the scholarship paid upon return after the exchange will be reduced.  

If the approved mobility period is shorter than the one specified in the financial agreement, the scholarship is recalculated taking into account the changed dates. If the approved mobility period is longer than that specified in the financial agreement, the university can either amend the financial agreement to take account of the longer duration, provided that there are unused funds for the mobility activities and support can be allocated to the participant for the additional days; or it can agree with the student that the additional days will be counted as a period covered by the “zero grant”.  

According to the Erasmus+ rules, all students participating in mobility activities are obliged to take an online assessment of their foreign language skills. OLS (online language support) is an online language support tool. OLS tests and language courses give you the opportunity to assess and improve your proficiency in the foreign language you will be using while studying abroad, as well as the local language. The test results do not affect your eligibility and participation in the programme or the validity of your documents proving previously acquired foreign language skills.  

Upon return, the student presents an academic transcript issued by the host university with the grades and credits of the modules passed. Only those modules that have been agreed upon and included in the learning agreement and the amendments thereof will be credited without reservations. 


Student Info Center

Dovilė Tranauskaitė-Rezgienė
Outgoing student mobility manager (studies)
Admission hours:
I, III, IV 13:00 – 17:00
V 13:00 – 15:45
Studentų st. 50, LT-51368, Kauna 

Applications for formal classification of sensitive groups of KTU community have to be submitted by email at