Study Quality and Development


Internal quality assurance system

Internal Study Quality Assurance System

The University has developed and is implementing internal quality assurance system which aims to identify the processes, tools and activities of the internal study quality assurance system that are applied at Kaunas University of Technology while involving the entire community of Kaunas University of Technology in quality assurance and fostering a quality culture.

The internal study quality assurance system is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education (ESG), the main higher education policy documents of the European Union, the European Qualifications Framework, the European Standards and Guidelines and the main laws and legislation governing higher education in the Republic of Lithuania.

The University’s study process and internal study quality assurance system are based on the student-centred approach where learning is at the heart of the system. The University’s activities, processes, environment and outcomes influence and promote learning.

The University’s internal study quality assurance system is based on six key components: study management, student-centred studies, teachers, ensuring student success, study quality monitoring, and publicity and impact on society.

Key components of the University’s internal study quality assurance system

Key Components of the University’s Internal Study Quality Assurance System

Study quality assurance focuses on the responsible management, student-centred studies, development of the teachers’ competencies, advanced teaching and learning methods, an inspiring teaching/learning environment, modern teaching/learning resources and study processes, study quality monitoring, ensuring student success as well as publicity and impact on society. The flexibility of studies and student inclusion ensure accessibility of studies and lifelong learning to everyone.

The University’s study quality assurance covers all activities of studies aiming for continuous improvement of performance. In the constant review of the study processes, the PDCA model ‘plan, do, check, act’ is applied.

PDCA model applied at all levels of study quality assurance

PDCA Model Applied at all Levels of Study Quality Assurance

The key principles of the University’s quality management system are reflected in the Quality Management Guidelines of Kaunas University of Technology. The internal study quality assurance system is an integral part of the University’s quality assurance system.

Study Quality Policy

By implementing the study quality policy, Kaunas University of Technology (hereinafter – KTU, University) aims to make the University a center of attraction for students, teachers, and administration, and make the University’s study programme portfolio competitive in the international arena and in line with the market expectations, state priorities and trends.

The University’s study quality policy is implemented through the development of the University’s quality culture in studies, responsible management and study quality assurance. The study quality policy is in line with the University’s vision, mission and strategic objectives, and contributes to the implementation thereof.

Quality Culture in Studies

Quality culture in studies at the University is a culture of dialogue and cooperation which is understood as a culture of continuous development and involvement of stakeholders fostered based on the University’s values, the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education (ESG) and the principles of social responsibility.

The University’s values defining the quality culture in studies at the University are as follows:

Student-centred approach: delivering student-centred studies by creating a motivating learning environment and modern learning spaces; introducing innovations and innovative content of studies and therefore employing advanced study methods, educational technologies and modern learning resources, sharing the latest knowledge, scientific achievements and transferring the accumulated practical experience.

Communication and cooperation by bringing together the University community and the network of social partners: cooperation between studies, research and industry based on the integration of theory and practice, the synergy of foreign and Lithuanian experience and mutual dialogue.

Support for teachers: attention to the University teachers by providing the appropriate working conditions and ensuring welfare (psychological atmosphere, motivation, etc.) within the organisation, providing the necessary support through support tools and consultations in the study process, conducting the assessment of competence needs and providing training as well as upskilling for the members of the University community for the achievement of the objectives that have been set by the University.

Continuous development: continuous internal self-evaluation and analysis of the study quality (review and updating of performance achievements, study programmes and fields, research/art fields, research results, teachers’ competence, feedback, resources, etc.) as basis for improvement and development in pursuit of significant and measurable results.

Responsibility to society: responsibility and accountability to students, employees and social stakeholders for the results of the University’s performance and their transparency, academic integrity and social responsibility to people and nature.

Adopting good practices: sharing experience and adopting best practices in cooperation with other higher education institutions, business and public sector organisations.

Responsible Management

Responsible management at the University is the management by taking responsibility for the initiated actions and performance thereof. The University develops the University’s vision, mission, strategic objectives and policies and ensures their implementation. Continuous monitoring and accountability contribute to the achievement of the outlined objectives and give the University community confidence in the University’s performance.

Responsible management at the University reflects the following operational principles:

Sustainable development: the University is socially responsible by collaborating with social stakeholders and introducing technological and social innovations. The community is encouraged to share its knowledge and experience and pass it on to the younger generation. The University participates in national and international research projects by conducting research in the field of sustainable development, develops new technologies contributing to solving regional and global environmental issues, integrates sustainable development topics into the study programmes or individual study modules, and addresses societal challenges during studies. The University operates under the approach that new knowledge and technologies should promote and create human well-being and be environmentally friendly.

Inclusive education: the University provides studies on the principles of inclusive education, where respect for the diversity of students is important, differences are considered opportunities and resources that underpin the development, support and equal opportunities for every student, thereby fostering high levels of student achievements and knowledge. In line with the principles of inclusive education, the University provides studies according to a universal design strategy which includes the content of teaching/learning, study methods, strategies for assessing student achievements, and accessibility of information and infrastructure.

Transparency: the University ensures transparency in all management processes and decision-making by ensuring that all participants in management processes are informed and have the opportunity to express their views before the final decision has been made.

Ensuring equal opportunities and diversity policies: in organising its activities, the University implements and enforces its equal opportunities and diversity policy by creating an open environment in which the individual differences, potential and contributions of all its employees and students are recognised and valued. Every employee and student has the right to work and study in an environment where respect is ensured for the dignity of each individual. The University does not tolerate any direct or indirect forms of discrimination.

Collegial management: management at the University is collaborative, with shared responsibilities and various cooperative activities.

Data-based decision-making and achievement-based evaluation: the University makes decisions based on expertise and data analytics results. Performance is measured against the criteria agreed upon at the University.

Study Quality Assurance

The University’s internal study quality assurance system is based on the following principles:

  • it follows the University’s vision, mission, values, strategic objectives and operational objectives set out in the strategic plan
  • it is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education (ESG)
  • it combines different approaches to study quality as a pursuit of excellence, compliance with requirements, and meeting the needs and expectations of the stakeholders
  • conscious responsibility of all stakeholders in the study quality assurance
  • all members of the University community are involved
  • openness, tolerance and support for innovative and diverse strategies of doing things are ensured
  • the study process is based on the student-centred approach, innovation and collaboration
  • the systematic approach to the study quality is applied ensure the link between research and studies
  • active engagement of student self-government organisations in improving and ensuring the study quality is pursued
  • equal opportunities and conditions for all students to complete their studies and obtain the qualification are ensured
  • internal study quality assurance is a continuous process

Study Management Model

The University has introduced the study management model which enables effective management of the provided study programme portfolio, study quality assurance and empowers the University Study Quality Committee, the Faculty Study Committee, and the Fields’ Study Programme Committees.

University study management model

University Study Management at Variuos Levels

The activities focusing on quality assurance are carried out at all levels:

The Activities focusing on Quality Assurance are Carried out al all Levels

The University level: Council, Senate, Vice-Rector for Studies, University Study Quality Committee, and Department of Academic Affairs.

The level of the first-level academic department (faculty): Faculty Council, Dean, and Faculty Study Committee.

The level of the study field and programme: Fields’ Study Programme Committee,  second-level academic departments.

The study module level: coordinating teacher, teaching team, and student.

Management of the study programme portfolio includes the following processes:

  • design and approval of new study programmes (the detailed processes for new study programmes along with any relevant responsibilities are described in the Guidelines for the Management of Study Programmes of the University)
  • improvement of study programmes (annual faculty study quality assurance plans and Fields’ Study Programme Committee performance improvement plans are prepared, stipulating the objectives and activities of the development of study fields and programmes)
  • updating and approval of study modules (conducted following the Regulations on the Approval of the First and Second Cycle Study Modules* and The Regulations on the Approval of Electronic Study Modules at Kaunas University of Technology* at least every 3 years, the compliance of the study modules with the set evaluation criteria is assessed)
  • investment in the improvement of study programmes (additional funding is allocated to strengthen the quality of study programms, creating opportunities for students to acquire career-relevant competencies, implementing modern didactic methods, ensuring the internationality and interdisciplinary nature of studies, creating an inspiring learning environment)
  • suspension of the admission and de-registration of study programmes (conducted following the Guidelines of the Study Programme Management of Kaunas University of Technology)

Involvement of social stakeholders’ in study quality assurance

Social stakeholders are individuals, groups or organisations who/which have an interest in and consciously share responsibility for the quality of the institution’s performance according to their represented areas or based on the granted authorisations (the institution’s administrative and academic personnel, students, graduates, employers, representatives of professional associations, public authorities, trade union representatives, etc.).

The active participation of social stakeholders in study processes, through the cooperation of teachers, researchers, students, graduates and representatives of employers, promotes a culture of continuous improvement and dialogue which helps to ensure the study quality:

  • Students are involved in the University’s governing bodies at all levels, the operating commissions and committees (the Council, the Senate, the Fields’ Study Programme Committees, and various commissions). Students’ interests are also represented by the University Students’ Association and the Faculty Students’ Associations. The University Students’ Association and each Faculty Students’ Association assign students responsible for academic processes and quality management.
  • At the level of the study programme, social partners are involved in all processes of the preparation of the study programme, quality assessment and quality improvement within their level of competence. They are members of the Fields’ Study Programme Committees, the Qualifications Committees, and the Faculty Councils. Employers are involved in the teaching of individual topics of the study modules of the programme, they may submit topics for the final degree projects to the students of the programme, and provide opportunities for final degree and research projects.
  • The University has the Alumni Centre which unites KTU alumni. They are part of the academic community who strive to get involved in various activities. Alumni share knowledge and experience with the academic community (career mentorship, giving lectures and presentations, support for young talents, etc.), participate in the University events (open lectures, conferences, meetings), express their position on relevant issues.

*when connecting to the University’s internal document management system, sso and vpn are used.
vpn – access is possible through a secure connection through a virtual private network.
ssogeneral unified authentication is used when connecting to the IT services and/or systems of the University.

University Level

The University level includes the activities and responsibilities of the Council, the Senate, the Vice-Rector for Studies, the University Study Quality Committee, and the Department of Academic Affairs.

University Council:

  • after the assessment of the opinion of the Senate, it approves the University’s strategic plan submitted by the rector which defines the mission and vision of the University, and plans the material, financial and human resources for the implementation of the strategic plan


  • determines the policy of studies at the University
  • approves study programmes, research and experimental (socio-cultural) development, and arts
  • assesses the quality and level of studies, research and art activities
  • approves the internal study quality assurance system and monitors its implementation
  • determines the qualification requirements for the positions of teachers and researchers

Vice-Rector for Studies:

  • implements the University’s strategic objectives
  • formulates the policy of studies
  • is responsible for the development strategy of studies and manages its implementation
  • is responsible for the University’s study programme portfolio and formulates the objectives of studies for the deans

The University Study Quality Committee:

  • makes proposals and recommendations on the development of the University’s studies when improving study programms and ensuring their quality
  • supervises the compliance of the University’s study quality with the European and Lithuanian quality standards and makes proposals for possible actions at the University level
  • gives recommendations on the compliance of study programme’s objectives and expected learning outcomes with the needs of students, the labour market and the University’s study policy
  • participates in forming the criteria and terms for the use of the investment funds dedicated for the development of study programmes, evaluates the results of the use of investment study funds
  • makes proposals regarding the structure of study programmes and educational philosophy
  • provides an opinion to the Vice-Rector for Studies on the changes in the content, title, duration of study programmes to be provided, establishment of specialisations BA+, MA+ competences
  • makes proposals for improving the academic experience of students at the University
  • makes proposals regarding sharing good practices, the application of innovations in studies and the formation of a quality culture at the University

University-level advisory body – University Study Quality Committee provides proposals and recommendations on the development of University studies, forming the University’s study policy and quality culture, improving study programmes and assuring their quality.

Chairperson of the Committee: assoc. prof. dr. Kristina Ukvalbergienė

Committee members:

  • prof. dr. Virginija Daukantienė, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design
  • assoc. prof. dr. Jurga Duobienė, School of Economics and Business
  • prof. dr. Giedrius Laukaitis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • prof. dr. Saulė Petronienė, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities
  • prof. dr. Lina Šeduikytė, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • prof. dr. Aleksandras Targamadze, Faculty of Informatics
  • dr. Virginija Bortkevičienė, Head of Study Quality and Development Department
  • student Danas Černeckas, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Department of Academic Affairs:

  • monitors the implementation of the study quality policy and the study quality at the University
  • makes proposals for the formulation of the principles for the implementation of the study quality policy
  • provides continuous organisational and methodological assistance to academic and non-academic employees
  • encourages and supports the continuous improvement of the teacher’s competencies, introduces innovative study methods in the study programmes
  • mobilises the community of teachers, develops and regularly updates the procedures, and ensures implementation thereof

The Level of the first-level Academic Department (Faculty)

The level of the first-level academic department includes the activities and responsibilities of the Faculty Council, the Dean, and the Faculty Study Committee.

Faculty Council:

  • adopts resolutions on the most important issues regarding the organisation of the faculty’s studies, research and other issues
  • considers and submits the faculty’s study programmes to the Senate for approval


  • ensures the implementation of the University’s policy of research and studies and the efficiency of the processes at the faculty level
  • takes investment decisions in consultation with the Faculty Council
  • ensures the integration of research and studies

Faculty Study Committees:

  • makes proposals and recommendations to the Dean on the development of the faculty’s study programme portfolio, the development of the study quality culture at the faculty
  • are responsible for ensuring the study quality at the faculty
  • provide assistance to the study programme committees and the heads of study programmes in organising the provisions of study programmes

The Level of the Study Field and Programme

The Fields’ Study Programme Committees are responsible for quality assurance and continuous improvement of study fields and study programmes at the University. The committees are headed by the heads of study programmes. There are 37 Fields’ Study Programmes Committees at the University, their activities are regulated by the Regulations of the Study Programme Committees.

The Fields’ Study Programme Committee performs the following main functions:

  • analyses the content, structure, descriptions of study modules, study and evaluation methods, periodically reviews the assessment assignments, the progress of the study programmes, the results of student achievement assessment, and provides recommendations to the head of the second-level department and/or teachers
  • initiates and submits essential changes in the structure of the study programme to the Faculty Study Committee for consideration
  • ensures that various innovative, student-centred teaching and learning methods are applied in study programmes
  • ensures the integrity of teaching and student achievement assessment methods that enable the achievement of the programme’s objectives and expected outcomes
  • analyses student progress results, data of the early warning and student dropout prevention system, and offers solutions on how to improve student achievement and reduce dropouts
  • evaluates the appropriateness of internship places and topics of final degree projects
  • carries out constant communication with students, teachers, alumni, social partners of the study programme(s), cooperates with heads of second-level departments, other Fields’ Study Programme Committees, involves social partners in the processes of implementation, evaluation, and improvement of the study programme(s)
  • collects feedback from students, graduates and social partners about the quality of study programmes, analyses it, and takes steps to strengthen the quality of studies
  • organises meetings with teachers of the study programme’s module and their teams
  • carries out other functions assigned to the committee in the legislation acts of the University

The second-level academic departments are responsible for the quality of study modules, their descriptions, preparation of teaching tools, implementation of advanced teaching/learning methods in the study process, provision of study programmes, with the necessary competencies, cooperation with business and the public sector, talent development, appointment of teachers coordinating study modules.

The Level of the Study Module

The study module level includes the activities and responsibilities of the coordinating teacher, the teaching team, and the student.

Coordinating Teacher:

  • is responsible for the provision of the study module and coordination of activities between different teachers
  • is responsible for encouraging teamwork, cooperation, reviews and updates of the study module

Team of Teachers:

  • is responsible for the study quality at the level of the study module: the provision of the study modules, the formulation of the objectives and results of the study modules, the selection of topics, activities, tasks, study and assessment methods, selection of tools
  • is responsible for the achievement of the programme’s learning outcomes allocated to the study module


  • are responsible for providing feedback on the quality of their studied modules and the provision of study programmes
  • actively participate in the entire study process as learners in formal and informal activities in the context of studies, research and international relations
  • the Students’ Association has the right to express its views on any issues relevant to the students

Student-centred Studies

The University’s studies are based on a philosophy of student-centred education. Student-centred studies place the student at the centre of the teaching/learning process, as an independent, active participant in the system of studies taking responsibility for his/her own decisions. In student-centred studies, the student’s learning – rather than teaching/giving lectures – is essential.

Integral parts of the student-centred studies are the flexibility in studies and universal design, study methods and the assessment of a student’s achievements, the involvement of students and social partners in the study quality assurance, study resources and the diversity of learning environments, recognition of competencies acquired via formal, non-formal and informal learning, academic integrity and its assurance, and the monitoring of the study progress.

The principles of student-centred studies at the University

The Principles of Student-centred Studies at the University

The process of student-centred studies is based on communication and cooperation between students and teachers. Teacher-student communication is based on equal partnership and constructive interaction. Teachers provide feedback to the student on his/her achievements, progress and acquired competencies, and involve him/her in the active learning process. Collaboration takes place through joint problem-solving, discussion, analysis, evaluation, experience sharing, etc.

The University’s teaching/learning environments are organised in a manner encouraging not only the continuous formal learning of students, but also the non-formal and informal learning in the learning environment. The University encourages active involvement of students in the activities of non-formal education programmes providing opportunities to develop additional competencies as well as participation in various student organisations of the University uniting all the students of the University.

An inspiring learning environment

The learning environment at the University is designed to inspire students to learn and improve, provide them with all the necessary tools and equipment, and meet the students’ needs.

Modern educational spaces are multifunctional: furniture is easily transformed, spaces and equipment are suitable for the application of various learning methods.

The aim is for the learning environment to provide well-being to the students and teachers of the University, be universal, and motivate students to try new things, inspire their learning.

Learning environment


Development of Teachers’ Competencies

Competent and qualified teachers are the basis of the study programmes. The high-quality performance of the University’s teachers is ensured through a continuous process of raising qualification and upskilling of teachers. In the development of the teachers’ competencies, the University follows the Guidelines for the Improvement of Competencies of the Teachers of Higher Education Institutions approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania. The need for the development of teachers’ competencies is determined at three levels:

  • at the University level, taking into account the University’s strategic objectives and priorities;
  • at the level of the study field/programme, taking into account the trends and objectives of the study field (according to the annual plan of the need of competencies)
  • at the personal level, by assessing individual teachers’ annual plans and anticipating the need for the necessary and relevant competence development courses in discussions with the direct manager.

Ensuring the competencies of teachers includes:

  • didactic and study field-related competencies
  • information and communication competencies
  • digital literacy
  • technological
  • foreign language competencies.

The University has the EDU_lab Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching which develops, ensures and maintains a system for the development of the teachers’ didactic competencies at the University.

The Didactic Competence Development System of Kaunas University of Technology Teachers

The Didactic Competence Development System of the teachers of Kaunas University of Technology

The teachers’ competence development is planned annually following the Guidelines for the Development of Didactic Competencies of the Teachers of Kaunas University of Technology* and the Guidelines for the Organisation of Performance Evaluations and Competitions for the Positions of Teachers and Researchers of Kaunas University of Technology. The faculties analyse the need for the development of the teachers’ competencies based on the individual workload distribution between pedagogical and research activities, the data of student feedback, the teachers’ annual activity plans and other relevant information.

To motivate the University’s teachers who develop innovations and apply state-of-the-art technologies in the process of studies and thus contributing to the improvement of the study quality at the University, teachers are promoted for innovations and study quality. Once per year, the University community selects the teachers who are awarded for the use of innovations in studies (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 winners). These awards aim to motivate teachers to use advanced student-centred study methods and other innovations in the process of studies.

*when connecting to the University’s internal document management system, sso and vpn are used.
vpn – access is possible through a secure connection through a virtual private network.
ssogeneral unified authentication is used when connecting to the IT services and/or systems of the University.

Ensuring Student Success at University

One of the University’s objectives is the progress and successful graduation of its students; therefore, the University aims to ensure successful academic activities of the students. The objective of the students’ success system at the University – to reduce the number of dropout students at the University level.

It is acknowledged that the students’ success at the University depends on the following key components and measures applied for the improvement of the students’ progress and the reduction of the number of dropout students:

Integration of the first-year students:

  • welcome week (introductions to studies and services, lectures, etc.);
  • “introduction to Speciality” module (presentation of the study programme and requirements, the philosophy of higher education, the specifics of the study field, the career, the academic writing, the learning skills);
  • peer mentors.

Inclusive learning environment focused on the students and including the modern teaching/learning methods:

  • the study programmes are regularly analysed and updated, improving the content of the study subjects and the learning outcomes;
  • active learning methods are used, such as challenge-based learning, problem-based learning, design thinking, etc.;
  • students are provided with feedback about their achievements, progress and obtained competencies; their studies are personalised according to the personal needs of the students.

Early Warning System enables the early identification of the “risky” students according to their learning outcomes and the indicators of their participation in the academic activities and provision of timely help. The coordinators of the dropout students are active in each faculty; they monitor the situation of the students and work with them. If a student is included in the Early Warning System, the dropout coordinator contacts the student, reminds him/her about the procedure of studies, clarifies the reasons for the poor results. If the student’s situation remains unchanged, the dropout coordinator, in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Studies and the head of the study programmes assigns an academic advisor (teacher) to the student.

Collection of the student feedback (surveys on the quality of modules, mid-semester round table discussion, etc.).

Periodic monitoring of the progress of students and analysis of their achievements at the faculties, annual discussion at the University’s Rectorate, Deans’ Offices, Fields’ Study Programme Committees.

Academic assistance during studies:

  • bridging courses of study subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, information technologies, English language) available remotely via the University’s virtual learning platform Moodle;
  • flexibility of academic timetable and forms of studies (contact and remote work, individual consultations);
  • consultations by the tutors when the students can participate in the consultations of the most complicated study modules, organised by the students or teachers;
  • academic mentors (they help to prepare a study plan, assess the need for assistance in the subject, suggest the ways to solve problems);
  • individual consultations by the teachers;
  • a cumulative and a formative assessment of learning outcomes are applied in the process of studies;
  • the student participation in classes is mandatory and the teachers notify about the systematically absent students;
  • development of the teachers’ didactic competencies (EDU_Lab Centre).

Social-psychological support:

Monitoring the study quality

Monitoring the study quality at the University is an integral part of the ongoing process of studies at the University, and it includes all the components of internal study quality assurance: the study management model, the provision of student-centred studies, the quality of teaching and ensuring student success at the University, the publicity, and the impact on society. The feedback from the University’s stakeholders is 360° feedback.

Stakeholder feedback process at the University

Stakeholder Feedback Process at the University

Monitoring the effectiveness of study management:

  • organised meeting and discussions of the University Study Quality Committee, the Department of Academic Affairs, the Faculty Study Committee, Fields’ Study Programme Committee, KTU Students’ Association, etc.
  • quantitative and qualitative criteria
  • study quality assurance and enhancement plans / reports
  • self-assessment questionnaire for study fields/programmes
  • results of student surveys
  • the results of the external evaluation of the study fields and follow up performance reports

Monitoring of teachers’ competencies:

  • teacher certification process
  • teacher survey about the studies
  • EDU_Lab Annual Report

 Monitoring graduates’ competencies and careers:

  • feedback from alumni and employers
  • meetings with social stakeholders and alumni
  • social stakeholders’ involvement in study activities, providing suggestions for students’ competence development
  • quantitative and qualitative monitoring of graduate employability

Study progress monitoring:

  • round table discussions
  • quality assessment of the study modules and teaching
  • mid-semester quality assessment of study modules
  • quality assessment of the study programmes
  • quality assessment of the mandatory internships
  • quality assessment of BA+ and MA+ competences
  • assessment of the preparation and defence of final degree projects
  • student satisfaction survey “Student Voice”
  • teacher survey about the studies
  • graduate survey about the career path
  • employee satisfaction survey “Atvirai”
  • employer satisfaction survey
  • early warning system
  • student dropout management system
  • monitoring students’ studies progress and results
  • monitoring indicators of study fields and programmes

The following surveys are organised at the University:

In the autumn semester In the spring semester
Mid-semester survey
Student opinion survey “Student Voice”
Quality assessment of the study module/teaching
Teacher survey about the studies
Quality assessment of the MA+ competence
Assessment of the preparation and defense of final degree projects
Quality assessment of the study programme
Graduate questionnaire about the career path
Survey of the first-year international students’ satisfaction with studies
Mid-semester survey
Assessment of the mandatory internship and the preparation and defence of final degree projects
Quality assessment of the study programme
Quality assessment of the study module/teaching

Methodology for the organisation, conducting and analysis of the results of academic surveys

Results of student surveys:

The results of the surveys on the modules and teachers

The results of the survey of teachers about the studies of Kaunas University of Technology

The results of the survey on preparation and defense of final degree projects

The results of graduates survey about the career patch

The results of the student satisfaction survey “Student Voice” 

The results of the survey on employers of Kaunas University of Technology

The results of the survey on the quality assessment of the interdisciplinary competence MA+ studies 

Public Information and Impact on Society

The University’s strategy is focused on strengthening the University’s responsibility to society and the country by consolidating its activities aiming to improve the quality of human life and to enhance the development of statehood. University study activities are focused on creating value for society, contributing to the improvement and development of society. Accountability and creating an impact on society are stipulated by the Statute of Kaunas University of Technology, the Academic Regulations of Kaunas University of Technology and the Strategy of Kaunas University of Technology.

Responding to the key objectives and organizing daily activities, the University aims to create benefits and have a positive impact on society:

  • Targeted partnerships with business, social and other research and non-governmental organisations have a direct impact on and create value for Kaunas Region and Lithuania, while international partnerships lead to meeting regional or global challenges.
  • As part of its mission to create and transfer knowledge, the University aims to develop students’ ability to evaluate the latest scientific and technological developments and identify their long-term environmental impact and potential risks.
  • The study programmes of all study fields focus on the development of subject knowledge, cognitive, practical and transferable skills aiming to develop the students’ competencies so that to comprehensively develop and use sustainable technologies.
  • The study programmes provided at the University aim at integrating social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development issues into the studies.
  • The University supports the creation of sustainable and smart cities. Together with the public sector and business, it contributes to the development of smart cities and the creation of a more sustainable environment to make the daily life of city residents and the businesses located therein as convenient as possible.

Study activities and their learning outcomes are publicised in regular meetings and discussions with the social partners, alumni, business representatives and other stakeholders while discussing the changing trends, the latest discoveries, and the competencies of the graduates required by the labour market.

The University holds regular discussions on the issues of the study quality and learning outcomes between the central administration departments and the academic community in the faculties. At the University level, all issues related to studies and learning outcomes are discussed at the Rectorate, at the faculty level, in the Deans’ Offices of the faculties, and at the Fields’ Study Programme Committees. Informal meetings are also held to analyse relevant everyday issues related to studies and the study quality.

One of the publicity activities is the “Quality Days event organised by the University and dedicated to the development of the thematic area of the quality of studies and research. During these events, the University community shares good practices of successful quality improvement initiatives in studies, research and other areas.

The results of the external evaluation of the University’s study fields and the results of the surveys on studies are published on the University’s website. The results of other surveys are discussed at the meetings with the University community, at the faculties and at the Fields’ Study Programme Committees.

The transparency of the University’s activities is one of the components of social accountability. Information about the University’s study and research activities and researchers is made publicly available, while ensuring the privacy and protection of each individual’s personal data, intellectual property or any other rights and legitimate interests protected by the legislation. All the documents related to the regulation of studies are available on the University’s website and in the University’s Document and Process Management System*.

*when connecting to the University’s internal document management system, sso and vpn are used.
vpn – access is possible through a secure connection through a virtual private network.
ssogeneral unified authentication is used when connecting to the IT services and/or systems of the University.


External study quality assurance system

Accreditation of Study Fields and Programmes

External evaluation and accreditation of study fields is carried out according to the Description of the Procedure for External Evaluation and Approval of Studies approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the methodology established by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC). External evaluation and accreditation of all study fields provided at the University is carried out at least once every 7 years. External evaluation of studies helps the University implement quality processes and improve studies more effectively and the result of the evaluation allows to inform the University community about the study quality.

The quality of study fields is evaluated in points (5-point grading system) according to 7 evaluation areas: objectives, outcomes and content of studies; links between research/artistic and study activities; student admission and support; studying, academic achievements and graduate employment; teachers; learning facilities and resources (material resources); study quality management and publicity.

A study field may be approved for a period of 7 or 3 years, or it may be non-accredited.

According to subparagraph 3.1 of the Order by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, all study programmes are considered accredited until they have been evaluated and accredited under the procedure established by this order, according to the plan provided by the SKVC.

The evaluation of a new study programme is carried out by analysing 7 areas of evaluation. The decision regarding the evaluation of the programme is made taking into account the evaluation conclusions prepared by external experts and the proposal of the Study Evaluation Commission.

The conclusions of the external evaluation of ongoing and new study programmes are available on the University’s website, in room 408 of the University’s central building, on the website of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) – Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education Evaluation Results of Study Programmes in the Open Vocational Information, Counselling, Guidance System (AIKOS).

Progress Reports

After the evaluation of the study field or study programme, follow-up activities are carried out, in three stages:

  1. planning the measures for the improvement of the study field
  2. implementation of the planned improvement measures
  3. monitoring of the results of the implemented measures

By implementing the planned measures for improvement of the field and cycle of studies, the University prepares a progress report on the implementation of external evaluation recommendations and publishes it on the University’s website and submits it to the SKVC. An example of a progress report is provided in Annex 2 to the SKVC methodology – Order of Director of the Study Quality Assessment Center 2019-12-31 Nr. V-149.

Progress reports are prepared and submitted to the Centre by taking into account the accreditation period for the field and cycle of studies:

  • no later than 2.5 years after the accreditation of studies of field, if the field and cycle studies are accredited for a period of 7 years;
  • no later than 1 year after the accreditation of studies of the field, if the field and cycle studies are accredited for a period of 3 years.
  • no later than 1.5 years after the registration of the new study programme (or accreditation of the study field, if the University does not conduct accredited studies in that field).

The SKVC provides feedback to the University and publishes a progress report publicly on its website along with the evaluation results.

Progress reports are available on the University’s website, in room 408 of the University’s central building and on the SKVC website.


Study programmes assessment and accreditation

Accreditation term for the study programmes of Kaunas University of Technology included in the register of studies and study programmes in accordance with the orders of the Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education





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Department of Academic Affairs


Study Quality Assurance and Development Office
Donelaičio str. 73, 44249 Kaunas


Lifelong learning
Donelaičio str. 73, 44249 Kaunas