Research group - Transport Engineering

Research and applications performed by the scientific group:

1) alternative fuel vehicles, dynamics and energy efficiency, development of dynamic models and modelling;
2) development and modernization of alternative energy vehicles;
3) application of third-generation algae-derived biofuels in internal combustion engines;
4) development of models for mobility in the transport system, development of models for the interaction between the elements of the vehicle/driver/environment system; 
5) development and deployment of innovative engineering systems in transport/logistics processes; 
6) development of intelligent transport systems/new mobility (unmanned) and communication technologies;
7) based on ongoing research, problems in the development, research and deployment of training missiles shall be solved; 
8) theoretical and experimental studies and computer modelling of the aerodynamic performance, internal and external ballistics of training missiles;
9) on the basis of the research carried out, military training missile equipment is being developed for the training of soldiers serving in short- and medium-range air defense systems, as well as for the conduct of tactical exercises in range conditions;
10) the missile training equipment allows to reduce the economic costs of training and tactical exercises, and to increase the efficiency and safety of the training process;
11) research into the design of support vehicles, in the areas of improving vehicle safety, reducing environmental impact and saving energy;
12) development and analysis of numerical models and computer programs to optimize vehicle load-bearing structures and movement parameters, to assess environmental pollution, and to improve vehicle reliability and comfort.
13) development and deployment of internationally marketable advanced technologies and products that are resource-efficient and reduce environmental pollution and climate change.


Priorities of R&D Activities Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Areas and Priorities
Energy and sustainable environment
New production processes, materials and technologies
Smart, clean, connected transport
Research Fields
Informacinės ir ryšių technologijos
Mechanikos ir transporto inžinerija
Tvari energetika



Doctoral students




Research services