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Doctoral School

Become a future scientist and make your significant impact on research and innovations, society, and business! The Doctoral School is responsible for finding effective and high-quality solutions for the issues related to the University’s doctoral studies as well as promotion of the internationality and raising of its profile.


The vision of the Doctoral School – preparation of future scientists capable of making a significant contribution to research, studies, society and business and working in academic and non-academic environments.

Strategic objectives of the Doctoral School

  1. Promotion of the internationality of doctoral studies;
  2. Improvement of the quality of doctoral studies and research;
  3. Development of the competencies of doctoral students and supervisors;
  4. Attraction and retention of talents;
  5. Strengthening of the research-business relationship.


Doctoral School:

  • Improves the quality, internationality and visibility of doctoral studies by getting involved and actively participating in the activities of the international networks (ECIU, EUA, Baltech, etc.).
  • Provides consultations to the interested persons on the issues of doctoral studies and acquisition of scientific degree at the University.
  • Organises and administers the admission to the University’s doctoral studies.
  • Coordinates the process of the performance evaluation of doctoral students and updates of the doctoral study programmes.
  • Coordinates the process of the dissertation defence and is responsible for the preparation of the diplomas of the Doctors of Science.
  • Organises the international PhD summer school, the training for the supervisors of doctoral students, other events for the participants of the process of doctoral studies.
  • Assists in the organisation and administration of the process of doctoral studies at other departments of the University.
  • Prepares and submits the reports of the activities of the University’s Doctoral School and the data on doctoral studies for the responsible institutions.
  • Conducts surveys on the quality of doctoral studies.

Doctoral studies and research

Research Doctorate:

  • Studies 30 ECTS Credits ( 3-4 study modules at KTU, 1-2 study modules abroad)
  • Research and presentation of research results (≥2 international scientific conferences and ≥2 scientific publications)
  • Doctoral dissertation (preparation and public defence)
  • Duration: 4 years

Art Doctorate:

  • Studies and research 240 ECTS Credits (study modules  ≥ 40 ECTS; artistic-creative practice ≥ 80 ECTS; reseach ≥ 80 ECTS)
  • Art Project (preparation and public defence)
  • Duration: 4 years

Opportunities for doctoral students

Doctoral studies at KTU provide the following opportunities:

  • Active involvement in research and innovation projects, acquisition of a double degree with foreign research and educational institutions, membership of the high-level research teams.
  • Participation in research traineeships abroad, development of key competences, transformation of ideas into the prototypes at the “Startup Space” community of start-ups.
  • Receipt of support for studies, research-creative activities, academic mobility abroad, promotion for excellent learning outcomes and research results, high-level publications, applications for support from various foundations.

Scholarships and other financial support

The students of the state-funded doctoral studies are provided with financial support (scholarship) in the amount set out by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania during their studies. From 1 January 2023 the size of the doctoral scholarship is:

  • 1045 EUR/month during the first year of studies;
  • 1210 EUR/month during the second-fourth year of studies.

Doctoral students can apply regarding the additional support provided by the institutions and external foundations. More details>>


Doctoral students may also apply for self-funded studies.

Facts and numbers

Doctoral studies in 20 fields of science and 1 field of arts:

  • 4 – natural sciences
  • 10 – technological sciences
  • 5 – social sciences
  • 1 – humanities
  • 1 – visual arts

~330 doctoral students:

  • 48% women, 52% men;
  • 26% foreign doctoral students, 74% Lithuanian doctoral students.


~50 defended doctoral dissertations;
~200 prototypes;
~10 start-ups;
~20 patent applications.


Studentų g. 50, Kaunas
LT-51368, Lithuania

Reda Žilėnaitė


Relevant information


Management of doctoral studies

Doctoral School


KTU Doctoral School coordinates and organises the process of doctoral studies in accordance with the Law on Science and Studies, Statute of the University, Regulations on Research Doctoral Studies and Regulations on Doctoral Studies.

Doctoral Committee

Doctoral studies and research are coordinated by the Committee. The Committee conducts the selection and approves dissertation topics, Supervisors and doctoral candidates, appoints the doctoral student’s academic department and Consultants, approves doctoral students’ work plans and amendments thereof, carries out the recognition of the doctoral study modules completed at foreign higher education institutions, and provides conclusions on the level of research of academic departments participating in the process of doctoral studies, the publication of doctoral studies, research and research results, and the doctoral studies and research plans and their implementation, decides on the language used for writing the dissertation, certifies doctoral students and doctoral study modules, ensures the quality of doctoral studies and the improvement of the quality of doctoral studies, evaluates the prepared dissertations, and assembles Boards. The Doctoral School annually assesses the compliance of the Committee members with the requirements set out in the Regulations. Amendments in the composition of the Committee can be initiated by the Committee or the heads of the first-level academic departments involved in the organisation of doctoral studies in the relevant science field. The Committee formalises all its proposals, suggestions and decisions in the protocols signed by the chairperson of the Committee (or a substituting member of the Committee) and the secretary. The protocol of the Committee is submitted to the Doctoral School after the meeting of the Committee, which, based on the decisions made by the Committee, prepares the relevant material for the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Research, and the Senate of the University.

Scientific supervisor

Doctoral student’s studies and research are supervised by the doctoral student’s scientific supervisor (hereinafter – Supervisor). A supervisor has to be a scientist of the field of science that doctoral student is admitted to.


  • Prepares a project for a doctoral student’s work plan in cooperation with doctoral student;
  • Suggests consultant candidates, if necessary;
  • Provides methodical assistance, supervises doctoral student’s scientific activities and constantly monitors doctoral student’s progress in the process of doctoral studies;
  • Provides assistance to doctoral student in the issues related to organisation of studies, carrying out of research and preparation of dissertation;
  • Presents a conclusion on the outcomes of doctoral student’s studies and research, and the expediency of continuation of doctoral studies for each performance evaluation of doctoral student;
  • Is responsible for the quality preparation of doctoral dissertation along with doctoral student.

Scientific Consultant

If necessary, a doctoral student can be assigned consultants (up to two), who can be the scientists of another scientific field.  Consultants of a doctoral student cannot be appointed earlier than on the second year of studies.

Doctoral student’s consultant:

  • Provides consultations to doctoral student on the issues related to a certain branch of the research field;
  • Organises research and experiments at the other units of the University or other institutions

Academic Unit

The academic unit to which the doctoral student is assigned:

  • Provides doctoral student with conditions for successful implementation of the study and research programme (work plan);
  • Monitors doctoral student’s progress in the process of doctoral studies;
  • Provides methodological assistance; encourages doctoral student’s mobility;
  • Helps doctoral student, who chooses a path of academic career, to gain teaching experience;
  • Helps to develop excellence in research throughout the entire period of doctoral studies;
  • Presents a conclusion on the outcomes of doctoral student’s studies and research, and the expediency of continuation of doctoral studies for each performance evaluation of doctoral student;
  • Upon preparation of dissertation, organises initial discussions on doctoral dissertation under procedure for discussion of dissertations at the units, established at the University, presents the Committee with conclusions on the doctoral dissertation’s compliance with the applied requirements.

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student studies, conducts scientific research, prepares and defends a doctoral dissertation under the approved individual work plan.


For researchers

Requirements for participants of the process of doctoral studies

Doctoral Committee of the field of science

The Committee is composed of at least 9 scientists who conduct high-level research. Membership of the Committee is open to scientists who are employed at least 0.5 FTE at the doctoral institution(s) that hold the right to doctoral studies, where they took the job position at the institution(s) under the procedure of competition, or who are employed at the institution(s) where they took the job position at the institution(s) without competition but, before that, they had been holding this job position under the procedure of competition. The requirement to take a job position under the procedure of competition is not applied to scientists from foreign research and educational institutions. If the right to doctoral studies is granted with the participation of (a) foreign research and educational institution(s), the Committee must include more than half of the scientists from Lithuanian institution(s). The scientists with experience in supervising/consulting doctoral students can be the members of the Committee. The members of the Committee must include at least two-thirds of the members of the science field in which the right to doctoral studies is granted. A member of the Committee can serve as chairperson of the Committee for a maximum of two consecutive 5-year terms. The composition of the Committee is reviewed and updated by the institution at least every 5 years. A scientist can be a member of no more than two Committees. At least half of the members and the chairperson of the Committee have to meet the minimum qualification requirements (to the extent related to scientific papers) set out by the University for the persons applying for the position of chief researcher. The remaining members of the Committee have to meet at least the requirements set out in the Regulations for Supervisors and Consultants.

Scientific supervisor of a doctoral student

The positions of Supervisors and Consultants can be taken by scientists meeting the minimum qualification requirements (to the extent related to scientific papers) set by the University for persons applying for the position of a senior researcher and who have published at least 3 scientific papers in the last five years in international scientific journals which, at the time of the publication of the paper, were in the Q1–Q2 quartiles and have the impact factor in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (CA WoS) (in the areas of humanities, social sciences, natural and technological sciences) and/or Elsevier Scopus (Scopus) databases (in the areas of humanities and social sciences), or at least 1 scientific paper in an international scientific journal which, at the time of publication, was in the Q1–Q2 quartiles, and has the citation index in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (CA WoS) (in the areas of humanities, social sciences, natural and technological sciences) and/or Elsevier Scopus (Scopus) databases (in the areas of humanities and social sciences) and a scientific monograph or part thereof published by an internationally recognised scientific publisher.

Defense board

Membership of the Board is open to scientists who meet the minimum qualification requirements (to the extent related to scientific papers) set by the University for the persons applying for the position of a senior researcher and who have published at least five scientific papers in the last five years: scientific monographs or parts thereof published by internationally recognised publishers; scientific papers in international scientific journals with the impact factor in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (CA WoS) (in the areas of humanities, social sciences, natural and technological sciences) and/or Elsevier Scopus (Scopus) databases (in the areas of humanities and social sciences).


Fields of Science (Arts)

Natural Sciences

N001 Mathematics

Doctoral studies with Charles University in Prague, Czechia and the University of Göttingen in Germany

This study programme will cover both fundamental and applied mathematical research in areas such as differential equations, financial mathematics, mathematical modelling of biomedical systems, and mathematical theory of operations and its applications. The students will have a wide choice for their research and thesis topic.

N002 Physics

Joint doctoral programme with the University of Southern Denmark
Double degree programme with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Possibilities to attain Doctor Europeus certificate in partnership with PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials Network)

Objective of PhD programme in physics is the development of highly qualified researchers in the field of physics, who are able to conduct scientific research for solution of critical problems.

N003 Chemistry

Possibilities to attain Doctor Europeus certificate in partnership with PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials Network)

Objective of doctoral study programme in chemistry is training doctors of science, who are ready for research career, able to work as scientists and educators. The programme aims to expand their knowledge in chemistry and related fields, at the same time developing their skills of critical thinking, creativity, training their ability to seek original and independent solutions.

N009 Informatics

Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Joint doctoral studies in informatics are for those aiming to research the fields of data analysis, signal and image analysis, merger simulation, computer intelligence, development and research of physical behaviour and general dynamic models, cryptography algorithms, system formalisation and transformation of high level specifications.
Doctoral studies in informatics aim to train researchers and scientists, able to develop and creatively apply the methods of information technologies for creation and research of the mathematical models for real world objects and systems, which solve imminent science issues and practical problems.

Technological Sciences

T001 Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the most rapidly developing scientific fields with scientific research including diagnostics in aviation, energy and other industries, application of electronics in biomedicine, monitoring and control systems in entities and transportation objects, methods for receiving and processing of signals and images. Research is carried out using the latest scientific equipment and technologies at KTU Santaka Valley. Doctoral studies of this field provide conditions for carrying out part of the research under contracts at the research institutions in England and Italy, and to obtain double degree at University of Bologna (Italy).

T002 Civil Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

The programme aims to educate the qualified scientists and educators of civil engineering for Kaunas University of Technology and other institutions of higher education; to prepare researchers, who are able to carry out actual problem-solving oriented research in the built environment and construction sector.
Doctoral dissertation topics in civil engineering research are reflecting global challenges and trends, and are linked with research activities of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Institute of Architecture and Construction. The doctoral programme corresponds to the main fields of research: digitalisation in construction, improved energy performance of buildings, smart facilities management, design and testing of new structural elements, development and research of new building materials, construction technology and management. All necessary equipment and facilities for research are present in the university. Most PhD students are accepted for part-time work in the centres of the faculty or institute. During the study period, PhD students gain practical experience in research, processing and future application of their results. PhD students have an opportunity to communicate with representatives of industry and businesses and leverage the broad network of international and national partners. Most doctoral students in civil engineering field carry out a part of their studies and research in foreign scientific and educational institutions.

T003 Transport Engineering

Joint doctoral studies with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Klaipėda University and Vytautas Magnus University.

Joint doctoral studies in the science field of Transport Engineering are being carried out in the following areas: dynamics of weapons systems, creation of means of transportation, analysis of dynamic processes of trains, analysis of transport systems, mechanics of aircraft design. Most of doctoral students complete part of their studies or research at foreign research and educational institutions.

T004 Environmental Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy
Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuanian Energy Institute.

Joint doctoral programme in the field of environmental engineering with integrated advanced interdisciplinary studies ensure that application of modern methods of sustainable development improves the surrounding environment and people life quality, and opens possibilities for competitiveness in business and industry.
Doctoral students are provided with great conditions to obtain new knowledge, make scientific discoveries and create innovative instruments ensuring sustainable development of business and society, participate in scientific seminars, conferences, policy-making processes, public events and establishment of startups.

T005 Chemical Engineering

Double degree programme with the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Doctoral studies in Chemical Engineering are based on a traditional 4-year degree programme, which includes:

  • Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of scientific principles applied in chemical engineering
  • Provision of possibilities to work with well-known scientists of this research field
  • Acquired experience of solving the latest scientific and practical tasks
  • Provision of possibility to apply modern devices, laboratory equipment and software for modelling and control in scientific and practical research

Objective of the programme is development of highly qualified scientists in chemical engineering field, able to conduct scientific research and solve imminent problems in this field of science.

T006 Energetics and Power Engineering

Joint doctoral studies with the Lithuanian Energy Institute

Joint doctoral studies in the scientific field of Energetics and Power Engineering aim to train highly qualified scientists for industry and research institutions. Doctoral studies of this scientific field are provided in the following areas:

  • Sustainable energy – efficient use of fossil fuels and renewable primary sources in energy generation technologies and systems, reduction of environmental impact
  • Fundamental and applied research of carrier processes in power engineering technologies
  • Modelling and research of smart technologies and models for sustainable electricity systems

T007 Informatics Engineering

Joint doctoral studies with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Informatics Engineering is a branch of computer science, which focuses on effective solution of practical computation and information processing problems applying scientific knowledge. Each doctoral student who aims to acquire doctoral degree has to complete doctoral studies (study workload is 30 credits), to conduct original scientific research in the scientific field of Informatics Engineering and to develop new scientific knowledge, to present his/her scientific research findings in national and international scientific conferences and scientific journals, to write and to orally defend his/her doctoral dissertation. The programme provides doctoral students with vast possibilities to complete at least one study module at the academic institution abroad, to participate in the PhD Summer / Winter Schools, and to actively take part in the most advanced scientific research at the state-of-the-art KTU Santaka Valley laboratories.
The objective of the programme is to train world-class scientists of the Informatics Engineering field of science.

T008 Materials Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy
Possibilities to attain Doctor Europeus certificate in partnership with PCAM (Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials Network)

Materials Engineering encompasses wide totality of scientific problems, involving various issues of the research of materials aiming to improve the present properties of materials, create new materials and obtain information about properties of materials that have not been researched yet (the issues of materials science), as well as works of technological nature aiming to create more efficient methods for production of materials (it is an object of technology). Thus, materials engineering can be comprehended as the area involving two inevitably related components: fundamental scientific research and practical engineering.
Materials engineering doctoral studies, involve research of global level in the laboratories equipped with modern equipment, focused on creation, development and application of technologies for knowledge-intensive material production processes.

T009 Mechanical Engineering

Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University

Mechanical engineers develop physical systems and devices that characterise modern society. KTU doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering aim to improve the engineering skills through project activities, equipping young researchers with technical intelligence, creative spirit and real-life knowledge that enables making changes in the areas crucial for society and science development. Programme offers a balanced study plan; doctoral students are trained to become future inventors and innovators.
The main objective of doctoral studies in Mechanical Engineering is to prepare future scientific leaders in this scientific field, who able to carry out design projects in practice and creatively apply the methods of information technologies for creation and testing of the mathematical models for real world objects and systems.

T010 Measurement Engineering

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

Measurement Engineering is the main doctoral study programme in Lithuania, directly related to the knowledge of creation of the high added value solutions in various sectors of industry: space, land, water and air transportation, renewable sources and atomic energy. Estimating reserve of strategic energy resources energy, such as oil, gas, electricity, etc., depends on measured values. Production, storage and support/service areas also have a need for quality control, non-destructive tests for insurance of safety of people and environment. This field of doctoral studies provides conditions to conduct part of research under the contracts at research institutions in England.

Social Sciences

S002 Political Sciences

Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipėda University, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania

Doctoral programme  is provided in the field of public policy and administration. Joint programme offers dissertation topics in theory of politics, political communication, comparative politics and international relations. During doctoral studies the students are developing their individual research skills, creativity, they expand their theoretical knowledge and practical experience by solving the chosen research problems. Political Sciences doctoral study programme aims at training researchers and scientists in the field of public policy.

S003 Management

Double degree programme with the University of Bologna, Italy

KTU doctoral studies in Management analyse relevant and complex problems of the field. KTU researchers in management field were the pioneers in Lithuania in dissertation research in such areas as public administration, knowledge and awareness management, intellectual capital management, marketing and business (industrial) systems. Topics of the dissertation research of doctoral studies are closely related to fundamental and applied research conducted by the University’s scientists. Doctoral students majoring in management have a possibility to attend the lectures by experienced lecturers from institutions abroad and to complete internships at the top scientific research centres all over the world. The objective of Management PhD programme is to train qualified, responsible and prospective researchers, able to create new knowledge that is useful for development of management science.

S004 Economics

Joint doctoral studies with Klaipėda University and Lithuanian Energy Institute.

Doctoral studies in Economics are provided at Kaunas University of Technology in cooperation with Klaipėda University and Lithuanian Energy Institute. Doctoral students here develop research skills and prepare to conduct scientific research. Supervised by experienced scientists, doctoral students conduct and present the research of their chosen area, which is an integral part of their four-year doctoral study programme. The main objective of the programme is to train train talented economists, able to contribute to the latest scientific research of economics, create new knowledge and apply it in practice. The programme aims to prepare top professionals in the area, who are ready for academic and professional career in leading research institutions of the world.

S005 Sociology

Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Social Research Centre

Doctoral studies in Sociology are provided at Kaunas University of Technology in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Social Research Centre. Doctoral students develop their individual scientific skills, creativity, expand theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

S007 Education

Joint doctoral studies with the Lithuanian Sports University, Šiauliai University

Doctoral studies in the field of Education analyse the subjects of formal, non-formal and informal education and learning of young generation and adults, social development, education management, higher education, as well as the issues of modern educational technologies, education and learning environments, and educational innovations. Research is conducted in the juncture of education and other social sciences, aiming to meet educational challenges of the organisational learning in knowledge organisations, development of learning in partnership networks, and learning cities and regions.


H003 History and Theory of Arts

History of Theory of Arts doctoral study programme is provided in the interdisciplinary research area and focuses on three fields: theory of architecture and urbanism, history and musicology, but not limited to them, according to the specialisation of the Committee members. University graduates of various areas are admitted to doctoral studies taking into consideration their scientific input in their chosen topic.
Objective of doctoral students’ work is development of complex approach to phenomenon or problem in interdisciplinary perspective, suggesting innovative methodology appropriate for research, discover new patterns or knowledge complementing current scientific understanding of the researched phenomenon.

Visual Arts

V001 Architecture


Joint doctoral studies with Vilnius Academy of Arts

Joint doctoral studies in the field of architecture – third cycle university studies designed to prepare highly-qualified architectural researchers who can initiate and implement, design, interpret and develop research based on architectural practice, as well as generate systematic practical and theoretical knowledge for the development of new ideas; apply state-of-the-art knowledge to the advancement of society, culture, or business, thus enabling effective expression in the areas of arts and architectural creation.



KTU doctors of science whose doctoral dissertations were nominated as “The Best Doctoral Dissertation” in the annual competitions organized by the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers:

2022 m. Dr. Jurgita Radzevičė (Management; supervised by Prof. Dr. Jūratė Banytė)
2021 Dr. Ernestas Kasparavičius (Chemistry; supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tadas Malinauskas)
2020 Dr. Artiom Magomedov (Chemistry; supervised by Prof. Dr. Vytautas Getautis)
Dr. Valentas Gružauskas (Management; supervised by Prof. Dr. Edita Gimžauskienė, Prof. Dr. Mantas Vilkas)
2019 Dr. Titas Braukyla (Materials engineering; supervised by Prof. Dr. Vytautas Getautis)
2018 Dr. Eimantė Zolubienė (Sociology; supervised by  Prof. Dr. Audronė Telešienė);
Dr. Vytautė Dlugoborskytė (Management; supervised by Prof. Dr. Monika Petraitė);
Dr. Tomas Matulaitis (Materials engineering; supervised by Prof. Dr. Habil. Juozas Vidas Gražulevičius)
2017 Dr. Gintarė Kručaitė (Materials engineering; supervised by Prof. Dr. Saulius Grigalevičius)
2016 Dr. Nadzeya Kukhta (Materials engineering; supervisor by Prof. Dr. Jolita Ostrauskaitė)
2015 Dr. Andrius Petrėnas (Electrical and electronic engineering; supervised by Prof. Dr. Vaidotas Marozas)
2014 Dr. Paulius Pavelas Danilovas (Chemical engineering; supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramunė Rutkaitė)

Doctoral student Aida Drevilkauskaitė (Chemistry science field) was awarded L’Oréal Baltic For Women in Science Fellowship in 2023.

Doctoral student Tomas Klinavičius won the “Young Scientist Award” twice in 2020 and 2021 at the international conference-school “Advanced Materials and Technologies”.

“Deposition of Ag Nanocubes into Regular Arrays by Tailored Self-Assembly” by doctoral student Mindaugas Juodėnas (Materials engineering), was recognised as one of the best works in the 19th international conference-school “Advanced Materials and Technologies 2017”.

LMA prize of 2016 is awarded to the winners of the competition of the works of young scientists and doctoral students dr. Oksana Palekienė (Economics) and dr. Tadas Prasauskas (Environmental engineering).

Dr. Živilė Stankevičiūtė (Management) “Sustainability dimension in the organisation’s human resource management” was recognised as the best dissertation of 2015 by the programme of the Baltic Universities.

Doctoral student Vykintas Samaitis (Electrical and electronic engineering) was awarded a prestigious scholarship by the Acoustical Society of America for the results of his research activities.

Doctoral students Donatas Miklušis (Electrical and electronic engineering),  Nora Šlekienė (Chemical Engineering),  Vytautas Bakanauskas (Mechanical engineering), Shanker Ganesh Krishnamoorthy (Mechanical engineering) were awarded a scientific traineeship at the European Space Agency.

Doctoral student of KTU Institute of Materials Science Tadas Juknius  (Materials Engineering) created a smart bandage with silver nanoparticles and pH indicator. Patent application on behalf of KTU, submitted in 2016, is being successfully commercialised under the invention licencing agreement with UAB “Addere” on 15 September 2016.

The catheters with antimicrobial properties and antimicrobial silicone covers, the invention of doctoral student Aistė Lisauskaitė (Materials engineering) and her supervisor Professor Virginija Jankauskaitė, have gained international acclaim.