Theatre Play “Barbora” Will Be Shown in English

Important | 2017-03-20

26 March, for the occasion of the International Theatre Day, a play “Barbora” about a legendary couple: The Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund II Augustus and his beloved wife Barbara Radziwill will be shown on the stage of Kaunas National Drama Theatre in English.

The story of Barbara Radziwill (1520-1551) the Grand Duchess of Lithuania and the Queen of Poland is reborn on the stage of the National Kaunas Drama Theatre for the second time (1972, 2014). It is symbolic that after more than a 40-year break the director Jonas Jurašas is staging the same drama which had the biggest impact on his biography as it is is related to his parting with Kaunas Drama Theatre and with Lithuania.

Jurašas returns with a new vision of the play, which concentrates on the game of life and death.

The translation of the play is being provided by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Technical Translation students and their teacher Dainora Maumevičienė, professional translator and Vice-Dean for Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

For the KTU-initiated innovation – live translations of theatre play – Kaunas National Drama Theatre was nominated for the United Nations World Tourism Organisation award for Excellence and Innovation in tourism in 2016.

More about the play here.

Tickets here.