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Raimundas Petrauskas elected as a new KTU Council Chairman

Important | 2019-06-04

Raimundas Petrauskas, Managing Director at Schmitz Cargobull Baltic was elected as a Chairman of the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Council. The new Chairman was elected unanimously by secret ballot last Thursday, May 30, 2019.

The Council chairman election took place after Dalius Misiūnas took the decision to leave the position in order to participate in the competition for the ISM University of Management and Economics Rector’s position.

“I am very grateful for the Council for their trust. I believe that together with the Rector’s team and all the academic community we will make decisions, which will allow to reach long-term strategic goals for KTU, which will help us create a contemporary, internationally competitive technological University, which values the synergy of “soft” and “hard” sciences. We will continue work by carrying out research and studies in the most progressive topics of artificial intelligence, Industry 4.0, machine learning”, said Raimundas Petrauskas, the new Chairman of KTU Council.

Mr Petrauskas is the alumni of the University, graduate of Master’s in Management.

The responsibilities of the Chairman include organising the Council’s work, chairing its meetings, signing the protocols and the decisions. The Chairman, with the support of the Council, can address the member who delegated a certain Member of the Council with the request to cancel the appointment if the latter fails to follow the functions foreseen by Statute, Council Work Regulations or the Law on Science and Studies.

A member of the University’s staff or a student cannot become a Chairman of the Council. The Chairman is elected and revoked by secret ballot in a KTU Council meeting.

KTU Council is made up from 11 members who are appointed to the position for 5 years. Current Council’s composition was announced on June 29, 2017.