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Professor Leif Sörnmo inaugurated as the 46th Honorary Doctor of KTU

Important | 2019-05-28

Earlier this month, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) honorary members’ community was joined by a distinguished scientist, biomedical engineer, Lund University’s (Sweden) Professor Leif Sörnmo. Prof Sörnmo was awarded KTU Honorary Doctorate for the longstanding partnership in research and the contribution to the development of young scientists in the field of biomedical engineering, for the merits to the University and substantial scientific achievements.

Professor Leif Sörnmo has been collaborating with KTU since 1997. During these years he has significantly contributed to introducing, strengthening and expanding biomedical engineering studies and research in the University.

“Today is an important day for Kaunas University of Technology. A distinguished scientist, an admirable personality, Professor Leif Sörnmo has become our colleague, a member of our community. We are deeply honoured – people like Professor Sörnmo are inspiring to open the doors for tomorrow and to aim for great scientific achievements”, said Professor Rytis Krušinskas, Chairman of the KTU Senate.

The founder of Biomedical Engineering Department at Lund University (Sweden), Professor Leif Sörnmo also holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). During the 38 years of his career, the distinguished biomedical engineering scientist authored 160 scientific articles, published 6 monographs. Prof Sörnmo is an associate editor and a member of the editorial boards of 8 prestigious scientific journals.

Prof Sörnmo owns 11 European and US patents; he is a founder of 3 biomedical engineering enterprises.

“For more than 20 years, I have had the honour of working together with Kaunas University of Technology researchers. The close relationship that we have maintained since the very beginning of our cooperation had delivered great and meaningful results. I would like to use this occasion to thank everyone with whom I have worked together. I believe that our successful partnership will continue in the future”, said Prof Sörnmo in his acceptance speech.

4 KTU Doctors of Science grew under the supervision of Prof Leif Sörnmo, he co-authored more than 10 scientific articles and one monography together with KTU researchers. In collaboration with Prof Sörnmo, KTU prepared and carried out 5 international and 2 national scientific projects.

Thanks to Prof Sörnmo, KTU researchers and graduate students had a perfect opportunity to expand their knowledge during long-term internships at Lund University. The professor delivered numerous lectures to KTU students in Kaunas.

Prof Sörnmo provided invaluable help while creating and developing KTU study programmes of Biomedical Engineering (master’s) and Biomedical Electronics (bachelor’s). He donated methodical tools, textbooks and was a mediator between Lund University and University Hospital and KTU in organising support of study and research equipment.

Professor Leif Sörnmo is the 46th Honorary Doctor of KTU. Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus, Philanthropist, businessman, Doctor of Economic Sciences Juozas Petras Kazickas, entrepreneur Sir Charles Nicholas Branson are among KTU honorary doctorate awardees.