KTU Values Academic Freedom

Important | 2016-08-09

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)’s first concerns are with the Turkish academic staff and students, who are temporarily working or studying at KTU and in Lithuania. They can possibly be called back to Turkey by their home university. 

KTU supports the statement of the EUA, in which European universities speak against the actions targeting Turkish universities and their staffs. The Magna Charta Observatory, which acts as a body for advising on the status of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, has expressed its concern with regards to events and renders its support for academics in Turkey.

The Magna Charta Observatory views the treatment of Turkish universities and academics by the Higher Education Council in the aftermath of the failed coup of July 15th with increasing concern. The latest reports refer to the forced resignation of 1577 university deans, and to suspensions and travel bans affecting many more academics and students.

The Observatory exists to promote the fundamental values which have enabled universities world-wide to enrich their societies for generations. Some 33 universities in Turkey have signed the Magna Charta Universitatum in which these values are expressed. It is of grave concern to the Observatory that these universities in particular and all universities in Turkey in general are not currently able to operate in accordance with these values. Read the full statement here.

International academic values and the principles of academic freedom are the key values of KTU. KTU continues with the planned mobility of incoming exchange students and teachers from universities in Turkey, as well as enrollment of degree students, nevertheless the University cannot be held responsible for urgent situations and decisions the government of Turkey may apply for its citizens. At the moment 28 Turkish citizens are studying at KTU.


Students, staff and guests who have questions can contact the Academic Mobility and Networks Office.

Tel. +370 37 300038, e-mail international@ktu.lt