KTU Professor Rytis Ambrazevičius Awarded for Innovative Research in Acoustics

University | 2018-02-13

Rytis Amrazevičius, professor at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities is researching acoustic methods’ usage in music and linguistics. His research has incredibly broad implementation possibilities – from testing musical instruments’ acoustic, to creating mobile applications. For the innovative research, Professor Ambrazevičius has been bestowed the Annual Science Award 2017 in humanities and social sciences from Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

“This research has potential to start an entirely new science field in Lithuania. It not only expands the concept of science, modifying former theories but also has broad possibilities for practical application”, says Professor Ambrazevičius.

According to him, this research is very important not only in exploring acoustics, in producing and improving musical instruments and speakers, but also for developing voice imitation programmes and various applications, such as voice recognition software.

The research “Development of acoustic methods in musical and linguistic research” focuses on acoustic qualities of Lithuanian traditional music, the peculiarities of singing and vocal stylistics, and the consonants of Lithuanian language, which have not been analysed before. The work is not only unique by its subject, but also very interdisciplinary encompassing physics, music, linguistics and even music psychology research.