Hacker Games Kaunas 2018 Is Calling All Hackers

Important | 2018-01-30

Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Santaka Valley will house the 11th Hacker Games, the biggest hackathon of the year on 2–4 March, 2018. According to the organisers, Startup Lithuania, Hacker Games are attracting around 200 curious and creative young minds every year. After event, there are several innovative products created and quite a few potential startup teams formed.

“We are extremely glad that this year, next to the traditional Software, Hardware and Games tracks there will be a Health track, for innovations in this field. We hope that this will bring new ideas and new people into the growing Lithuanian startup community”, says Donatas Smailys, Head of KTU Startup Space.

The hackatons, as well as other events, serve not only as a platform for innovative minds to meet, but also provides a possibility to learn from seasoned mentors and to promote entrepreneurship culture.

The 11th Hacker Games is calling hackers, software developers, designers, engineers. It is your chance to make an impact on tomorrow’s world. As always, there will be some significant prizes, so keep a close eye on updates!

More information at http://hackergames.lt/

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