Freedom Picnic in Nemunas Island This Saturday

Leisure | 2017-08-25

Saturday 26 August the second festival Freedom Picnic (Lt Laisvės piknikas) will take place in Nemunas island, in the centre of Kaunas. Organised by iconic journalist and author Andrius Tapinas, last year the festival gathered an impressive crowd of 10,000 people from around Lithuania. 

This year’s Picnic’s motto: a festival of ideas. Man of us accuse the state of lacking new ideas, of not talking to people. The organisers of the picnic are inviting to change the status quo – to meet, to talk, to discuss, to find solutions.

In the event, the famous Lithuanian politicians, journalists, public personalities, economists and leaders of the state will participate in open debate, take part to ideas generating workshops, Q&A sessions. Across the island various chill&recreation zones will be open through the day.

The programme of the event encompasses discussions, workshops, concerts, film screenings and even filming of the unique Lithuanian late-night show “Laikykitės ten”.

The full programme of the event (in Lithuanian only) is on Facebook.

The event opens at 10am. The grand concert of the Freedom Picnic starts at 7pm.