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Ideas to Innovation


Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), KEEN in collaboration with the Science, Innovation and Technology Agency (MITA) presents a program created by experts from Cambridge University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lithuanian and foreign scientists and researchers are invited to participate in a first 3-day training course at KTU Santaka Valley, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Team of lecturers include mentor and entrepreneur professor Shai Vyakarnam from UK, educator, entrepreneur and researcher Orsolya Ihasz from Cranfield University, UK and scientist, mentor and researcher dr. Liisa van Vliet from Cambridge University.

During the practical sessions, the team will help to improve skills at commercializing ideas and introduce the main principles of team building, work management. Orsolya Ihasz and Liisa van Vliet will also organize innovative practical activities with junior KTU, KEEN researchers – Eglė Vaičiukynaitė and Neringa Gerulaitienė, who have already participated in the i2i program last year at Cranfield University, UK.

Lithuanian and foreign doctoral students considering the commercialisation of the idea and acquiring entrepreneurial skills are invited to complete a selection form until June 15, 2020. Participants’ questionnaires will be evaluated by MITA and KTU, KEEN experts. Finally, on June 30, 2020, 32 innovators will be invited to the 3-day intensive program “Ideas to Innovation: i2i” which will take place on July 15–17, 2020 at KTU Santaka Valley.

The selection form here:

April 18 d., 2020 - May 17 d., 2020

KTU Santaka Valley

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