
The Senate is the collegial governing body for the University’s academic affairs; its activities are based on the principles of member equality, publicity, collegial decision making and academic freedom. The Senate operates in accordance with the Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania, the University’s Statute, the Senate’s rules of procedure and other legislation.

Senate’s Composition

The Senate consists of 49 members and serves a five-year term. Senate members can be members of the University’s academic community and administration, who are included in the Senate according to their position, as well as prominent scientists from other research and educational institutions, lecturers, recognised artists and students. The Senate consists of 10 student representatives, 24 members in the position of professor or chief researcher, 14 members in the position of associate professor or senior researcher. The Rector’s position makes him/her a member of the Senate.

Composition of the Senate was announced on 29 March 2021 (extract of the meeting protocol of the Senate Electoral Commission No. 6 of 29 03 2021-in lithuanian).

The Senate has confirmed 3 permanent committees – Research and Innovation, Studies and Strategic Development.

      • Senate’s members email addresses are formed according to the following scheme without using Lithuanian letters:
      • Senate’s members-students email addresses are formed according to the following scheme without using Lithuanian letters:

Senate’s management

Prof. Dr. Žilvinas Nakutis

Chairman of the Senate, Professor at Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Studentų g. 50, Kaunas

Gitana Marmaitė

Executive Assistant to the Rector and Vice-Rector

K. Donelaičio St. 73, Kaunas
phone: +370 687 68281

Prof. Dr. Daiva Leskauskaitė

Deputy Chairwoman of the Senate, Professor at Faculty of Chemical Technology

Radvilėnų pl. 19, Kaunas

Prof. Dr. Brigita Janiūnaitė

Secretary of the Senate, Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

A. Mickevičiaus g. 37, Kaunas

Research and Innovation Committee

Prof. Dr. Habil. Sigitas Tamulevičius

Chairman of the Committee, Institute of Materials Science

K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas

  1. Deputy Chairwoman – Telešienė Audronė, professor
  2. Secretary – Zeleniakienė Daiva, assoc. professor

4. Alzbutas Robertas – professor,
5. Domeika Aurelijus – senior researcher,
6. Grigošaitis Matas – student,
7. Kasperė Ramunė – professor,
8. Kaškonas Paulius – senior researcher,
9. Kederienė Vilija – assoc. professor,
10. Kristutis Augustas – student,
11. Maskeliūnas Rytis – professor,
12. Milašius Rimvydas – professor,

13. Naidzinavičius Dovydas – student,
14. Raišutis Renaldas – chief researcher,
15. Rudžionis Žymantas – professor,
16. Stankevičiūtė Živilė – assoc. professor,
17. Svilainis Linas – professor,
18. Šiaučiūnas Raimundas – professor.

Studies Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dainora Maumevičienė

Chairwoman of the Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

A. Mickevičiaus g. 37, Kaunas

  1. Deputy Chairwoman – Stanikūnienė Brigita, assoc. professor
  2. Secretary –

4. Adlienė Diana – professor,
5. Arys Kasparas – student,
6. Duotas Žilvinas – student,
7. Gravelines Žaneta – professor,
8. Jankauskaitė Virginija – professor,
9. Janušas Giedrius – professor,

10. Jukna Augustinas – student,
11. Juzėnas Kazimieras – assoc. professor,
12. Kliučininkas Linas – professor,
13. Mizaras Valdas – student,
14. Pilinkienė Vaida – professor.

Strategic Development Commitee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zenonas Valančius

Chairman of the Committee, Faculty of Chemical Technology

Radvilėnų pl. 19, Kaunas

2. Deputy Chairwoman – Petraitė Monika, professor
3. Secretary – Paulikaitė Ugnė Viktorija, student

4. Arys Kasparas – student,
5. Baltakys Kęstutis – professor,
6. Butkienė Rita – assoc. professor,
7. Čeponis Jonas – assoc. professor,
8. Černeckas Danas – student,

9. Gimžauskienė Edita – professor,
10. Janiūnaitė Brigita – professor,
11. Leskauskaitė Daiva – professor,
12. Narkevičienė Bronė – assoc. professor,
13. Valinevičius Algimantas – professor,
14. Vilkauskas Andrius – senior researcher.