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Academic networks


  • aims to be the solid base for broader partnership and closer cooperation between the universities in the Baltic Sea Region in the area of natural sciences, technology and industrial management and as a strategic resource for the long-term development of education and research according to the needs of the region
  • offers short-term (up to 14 days) staff and student mobility (training, conferences, cooperation visits and summer schools) within BALTECH and NORDTEK networks


The Baltic University Programme

  • strives to find novel ways of interaction among universities and between the universities and society, aiming to enhance regional solid educational and research communities while fostering greater awareness of sustainable development, environmental protection, and democracy in the Baltic Sea Region
  • involves about 230 universities and other institutes of higher education throughout the Baltic Sea region
  • creates and improves university study programs, participates in projects for cooperation with the government, municipalities and other institutions

Copernicus Alliance

  • a European network of universities and colleges provides a platform to share resources and co-develop innovative education for sustainable development initiatives
  • includes 28 members from 22 countries
  • organises events and projects, issues several newsletters

ECIU University

  • the European Consortium of Innovative Universities creating the first European university where learners, teachers and researchers cooperate with cities and businesses to solve real-life challenges
  • includes 14 members from 14 countries
  • offers multi-disciplinary challenges and micro-modules, research, academic exchange and mobility

European Citizen Science Association

  • an increase in the impact of social relevance and sustainable research, as well as a more substantial evidence base for policy processes in Europe and globally
  • invites citizens to join scientific research, sustainable development and policy-making processes, projects, work groups and events
  • initiates projects, working groups, organises events


European University Association

  • provides a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest higher education and research policy trends
  • represents 850 universities and national rectors’ conferences in 49 European countries
  • initiates projects, events and other mutual-learning activities, shaping European policies and providing initiatives affecting higher education and research


EUA Council for Doctoral Education

  • an integral part of the EUA, leads the transformation and strengthening of doctoral education in Europe builds on the outcomes of EUA’s work on doctoral programs, is the driving force behind the implementation of the Salzburg Principles and Recommendations and the promotion of doctoral education as the main intersection between the European higher education and research
  • includes more than 260 universities and institutions from 36 countries
  • organises two flagship events, thematic peer groups, the Doctoral Debate online forum, issues a regular newsletter, initiates information gathering and monitoring and  policy representation, partners in European and global projects, continuously cooperates with a range of other European and international organisations.


European University Continuing Education Network

  • aims to contribute to the social, economic and cultural life of Europe through the promotion and advancement of lifelong learning within higher education institutions in Europe and elsewhere
  • fosters the influence of the universities developing lifelong learning knowledge and policies throughout Europe
  • involves 168 members from 36 countries (universities, European national/regional networks and associations)
  • encourages sharing expertise, organises events, initiates projects and participates in national networks activities

Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability

  • a platform that engages universities globally in responding to the challenges of sustainable development, by supporting innovative and relevant approaches to education
  • is active at the regional level in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and at the national level in Spain
  • unites over 800 universities and regional partners/focal points from five continents
  • enhances search for solution of environment and sustainability concerns through teaching, training and networking, especially emphasasing the UN Environment’s seven thematic priorities


European Society of Engineering Education

  • aims to contribute to the development and improvement of engineering education in Europe, emphasising the need for and strengthening the image of engineering education and engineering education professionals in society
  • includes more than 300 members (European and global higher education institutions, professional communities, student associations and companies)
  • organises events, initiates publications and participates projects

SGroup – Universities in Europe

  • foster university excellence in education and research as well as promote the continuous adjustment to educational and societal needs in a creative and innovative way
  • composed of over 48 higher education institutions from 29 countries
  • aims to strengthen internationalisation strategy implementation, academic collaboration, students and staff academic mobility and knowledge transfer


  • a network of the Rectors and Deans of Technical Universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries
  • unites 28 universities from 8 countries
  • aims to improve the quality of engineering education, develop entrepreneurship, create innovations and encourage student and staff long-term and short-term (summer schools, training, etc.) mobility