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University Council

The Council is the University’s collegial governing body formed in accordance with the Law on Science and Studies which stipulates that the management of the state schools of higher education is composed of the members of academic
community and the public.

University Council

The Council consists of 11 members and serves a five-year term. Current composition of the Council was announced by the decree of the Senate’s chairman No. V3-S-26 on 14 June 2022.

Agnius Liutkevičius

Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Department of Computer Sciences, Head of Study Programmes

Augustas Baltrėnas

Delegate of the Students` Association at Kaunas University of Technology

Egidijus Stancikas

General Manager of the National Kaunas Drama Theatre

Lina Slavinskė

Head of Organization Development of Energia Futura, delegate of the Students` Association at Kaunas University of Technology

Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis

Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematical Modelling; Principal Researcher of RG "Nonlinear Systems Mathematical Research Centre"

Raimundas Petrauskas

Chairman of the Council; CEO Schmitz Cargobull Baltic UAB

Regita Bendikienė

Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, Department of Production Engineering, Head of Study Programmes

Rimantas Butleris

Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Principal Researcher of RG "Semantics of Knowledge Based Engineering and Information Systems", Head of the Centre of Information Systems Design Technology

Rytis Krušinskas

Professor at the School of Economics and Business, Academic Centre of Economics, Business and Management

Simonas Petrulis

CEO of Baltic FEZ