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Research group - Nonlinear Systems

Mission of the group - to foster and to develop the competencies of researchers in the area of nonlinear systems, accenting the international level of research activities, and the attraction of new talents. Nonlinear systems – models, methods and algorithms, properties of systems and their applications.Modelling of nonlinear dynamical systems – the construction of phenomenological and approximating models, parameter identification problems, the construction and solution of inverse problems.Time series analysis and applications – numerical and analytical reconstruction of models governing the evolution of time series and projecting their properties into the future – including segmentation of time series and digital images.Dynamic visual cryptography in information hiding applications and testing of the human visual system.

Vision of the group - the growing team of researchers carrying out internationally ambitious research in the area of nonlinear systems. Research activities are consolidated in the following directions:

  1. Nonlinear, complex, chaotic systems and their applications.
  2. Development and application of mathematical models in biomedicine.
  3. Solitary solutions to nonlinear differential equations and applications.
  4. Development and application of mathematical algorithms in engineering, including deep learning algorithms for early fault identification.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
Information and Communication Technologies -> Artificial intelligence, big and distributed data, diverse analysis, processing and deployment
Research Fields
Applied Mathematics
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Technologies
Diagnostic Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies
Sustainable Energy


Doctoral students


Research services