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Research group - Mathematical Modelling of Stochastic, Economical and Medical Systems

Vision of the group – Growing team of researchers, who carries out scientific research in the area of mathematical modelling, actively works in project activities, ensures studies based on scientific knowledge, offers solutions for companies to solve their problems as well as provides topics for final projects or dissertations for students. Mission of the group – to contribute to the integration of research and study activities within the field of mathematical modelling of stochastic, economic and biomedical systems, emphasizing the research excellence and the quality of academic activities as well attraction of new talents, and the expansion of the R&D facilities.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
Information and Communication Technologies -> Artificial intelligence, big and distributed data, diverse analysis, processing and deployment
Research Fields
Applied Mathematics
Business Models
Financial Technologies


Doctoral students


Research services

  1. Consultations on fraudulent activities in tax collection.
  2. Risk evaluation and assessment in business systems.
  3. Big data analysis.
  4. Development of models in biomedical systems.
  5. Modelling of queuing systems with Markov processes.
  6. Reliability modelling of energy systems.
  7. Modelling of financial markets, FinTech Modelling.
  8. Applications of mathematics in business and industry.