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Research group - Experimental and Computational Mechanics

The activity of group is based on applied research, addressing issues from nano to macro-scale mechanical engineering. Integrating different fields of applied mechanics with advanced numerical methods and modern experimental equipment, research is carried out on the topics of: microsystems engineering, mechanics of structures and composites, vibroacoustics.
1) Microsystems Engineering:
– research and development of smart functional micro components for sensors and actuators; synthesis of computer generated holograms based on 2D photo; development of technological processes using high frequency excitations.
2) Mechanics of Structures and Composites:
– research of high performance structures and composite materials, application of advanced engineering methods for innovative structural solutions, design of mechanical systems, numerical and experimental approaches for stress analysis of composite and metal structures, mechanical testing of materials and constructions, calibration of material models, assessment of structural strength, fracture mechanics, resistance to impact and cyclic loads, fatigue analysis. Development and research of multifunctional composite hardfacings for extreme wear conditions.
3) Vibroacoustic:
– performing and implementing of vibroacoustic monitoring systems and specialized hardware; Development and implementation of vibration diagnostic, monitoring strategies and methodologies; Vibration monitoring of building structures and foundations, Vibration measurements, cracks diagnostics; Investigation of noise emitted by machinery and equipment, Noise measurements in a technical environment and in accredited laboratory.

Research group partners and cooperation in H2020 projects: University of Latvia, University of Aveiro, Technical University of Denmark, Czech Company "SYNPO" (Eco-friendly corrosion protective coatings based on smart nanotechnology platforms for a circular economy (COAT4LIFE), Multifunctional Polymer Composites Doped with Novel 2D Nanoparticles for Advanced Applications (NANO2DAY)).


Priorities of R&D Activities Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
New Production Processes, Materials and Technologies -> Advanced materials and structures
Research Fields
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Technologies
Diagnostic Technologies
Functional Materials and Technologies
Mechanical and Transportation Engineering


Doctoral students

Research projects

Research services