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Research group - Energy and Thermal Engineering

The group of researches implement investigations in a different fields of energy such as:
1) researches of thermal energy systems effectiveness enhancement;
2) interaction of complex transfer processes in technologies of sprayed liquid and gravitational film;
3) two-phase flow thermohydromechanics;
4) investigations of impulse and heat transfer in fluid flows;
5) researches of heat transfer processes in air conditioning and improvement of heat pumps reliability;
6) investigations of fuel combustion and reduction of pollutant emissions in combustion products.

The group of scientists also implements specific scientific - engineering researches for industry companies:
1) researches of heat generation, efficiency improvement for distribution and utilization equipment;
2) optimization of district heating grid permeability and configuration;
3) investigation of economic efficiency of renewable energy resources technologies integration in district heating systems;
4) determination of optimal conditions of water spraying in humid flue gases for heat recovery of phase transformations in recuperative and condensing economizers, this allows to improve technologies and to develop the new ones for heat recovery in contact-type economizers;
5) research of evaporation intensity of hydrocarbon droplets definition for optimum liquid fuel combustion process in thermal technologies.


Priorities of R&D Activities Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
New Production Processes, Materials and Technologies -> Energy efficiency, smartness
Research Fields
Sustainable Energy


Doctoral students


Research services