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Research group - Applied Optics and Photonics

Mission of the group – to contribute to the research and study activities within the field of applied optics and photonics, emphasizing the research excellence and the quality of academic activities as well attraction of new talents, and the expansion of the R&D infrastructure as well as exploitation of the existing one.

Vision of the group – a growing productive team of researchers carrying out worldwide ambitious research in the field of applied optics and photonics, actively involved in project activities, providing research knowledge-based studies, offering final degree projects and PhD topics reflecting high technology business needs and the latest cutting-edge trends in science.

The activities of the Research group „Applied Optics and Photonics“ include characterization of light sources and photonic structures as well as their practical applications for laser technologies. The photonic structures applied for anti-counterfeiting applications and in various optical systems are originated employing clean room lithography facilities and vacuum thin film deposition combined with the dry etching technologies. Laser interferometry, holographic lithography, spectroscopic ellipsometry, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, holography, laser ablation are used for characterization of materials and surfaces as well as for imposing of micro- nano- structures that can be further used for various applications. Ultrafast processes taking place in materials are investigated applying nonlinear optical phenomena and ultrashort laser pulses. The activities also cover microscopic and optical characterization of metal nanoparticles, their ensembles and heterostructures as well as nanocomposite thin films.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
New Production Processes, Materials and Technologies -> Photonic and laser technologies
Research Fields
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Technologies
Diagnostic Technologies
Functional Materials and Technologies


Doctoral students


Research services