Research group - Polymer Research

Research interests: modification and application of natural polymers; formation of bioplastics from materials of natural origin; formation of polymer complexes; immobilization of bioactive substances in synthetic and natural polymers; research of dispersion systems; studies of microcontaminant sorbents; synthesis and application of sorbents for protein chromatography and enzyme immobilization; development of leather processing technologies.Sustainable plastics products as well as technologies for the production of bioplastics and biocomposites, sustainable and active packaging materials are being developed. Less polluting tanning technologies are being developed and the use of tanning waste is being addressed. The technologies for the removal of pollutants from water and wastewater using biopolymer materials are being developed. Moreover, novel materials for tissue engineering, bandages for wound healing and innovative cosmetics products are being developed.


Priorities of R&D Activities Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Areas and Priorities
Agro-innovation and food technologies
Health technologies and biotechnologies
New production processes, materials and technologies
Research Fields
Cheminės ir aplinkosaugos technologijos
Funkcinės medžiagos ir technologijos
Maisto sistemos ir biotechnologijos



Doctoral students

