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Research group - Multimodal Human-Computer Interactions

Research group focuses on the analysis of signals surrounding smart human-computer interfaces, i.e. engineering applications of modern artificial intelligence techniques to understand the meaning of the signals surrounding us (images, sounds, motor, neuro-cognitive and cognitive, etc). Research can be characterised by intelligent solutions, often based on deep learning principles, affecting people and their environment. For example, the aim to reproduce the invisible sides of images captured by depth sensors, to detect posture, to understand ambient sounds, to analyse videos and classify images according to what is depicted, to predict symptoms of disease, to detect the distinguishing features of signals emitted by the human body (motion, muscle, brain), to form intelligent solutions such as autonomous navigation and pathfinding, to encrypt, and to identify the person. Many of  solutions and research are related to virtual reality technologies, which we apply to disease diagnostics, rehabilitation and training.

Research topics:

• Application of virtual and augmented reality for medical purposes
• Virtual and augmented reality applications for education
• Analysis and classification of human physiological signals
• Detection of the human skeleton and model using depth cameras
• Tracking a person and his movements using depth cameras and VR technology


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
Information and Communication Technologies -> Artificial intelligence, big and distributed data, diverse analysis, processing and deployment
Research Fields
Audiovizualiniai menai
Dirbtinis intelektas ir robotika
Edukacinės aplinkos ir technologijos
Informacinės ir ryšių technologijos
Skaitmeninė kultūra ir medijos


Doctoral students
