Research group - Multicomponent Heterogeneous Systems and Their Application Technologies

Development, research and application in technology of special compound fertilizers with various additives that increase their efficiency and comply with the principles of the green course. Development, research and application in technology of catalysts, adsorbents and liquid chemosorbents. The research will pay particular attention to the re-use of intermediates or waste from other industries (e. g. food, energy) in the development of new and modified products. Emphasis is also placed on developing innovative, sustainable, energy-saving, environmentally friendly technologies or improving existing ones by increasing their efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment (air, water and soil, climate change).


Priorities of R&D Activities Transformation of Industry
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Areas and Priorities
Energy and sustainable environment
Health technologies and biotechnologies
New production processes, materials and technologies
Research Fields
Cheminės ir aplinkosaugos technologijos



Doctoral students

