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Research group - Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Mission of the group – to develop cooperation based multidisciplinary innovation, entrepreneurship and organizational of digital transformation competence center with emphasis on research in national and international context in destructive digital technologies affect for consumers, organizations, industry branches and regions.

Main research topics of the group:
Innovation and business ecosystems and innovation management.
 - Open innovation ecosystems and innovation management.
 - Management of responsible innovations and implementation of responsible management principles in innovative business.
 - R&D demanding entrepreneurship forming and development researchR&D demanding business internationalization research.
 - R&D and innovation internationalization research.
 - Management of enterprise internationalizationResearch of organizational dynamic capabilities and strategic changes management.
 - Research of technology and innovations demanding enterprises dynamic capabilities influence on entrepreneurship emerge.
 - Research of business models transformationSocio-economic systems smart development and competitiveness research.
 - Organizations and regions intellectual capital management research.
 - International supply (value creation) chains management and development strategies.
 - Smart management systems.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Transformation of Industry
Research Fields
Finansų technologijos
Inovacijų vadyba ir antreprenerystė
Organizacijų vystymas
Verslo modeliai


Doctoral students


Research services