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Research group - Cyber Security

This Research Group addresses security issues in situational awareness, computer network and cyber-physical systems security and orchestrating of services, computer forensics, and vulnerabilities, and develops solutions to these problems. Addressing the challenges of visual analysis of heterogeneous data related to cybersecurity threats ranges from network monitoring and intrusion detection systems to the investigation of security threats to critical infrastructure. The main challenge is to effectively support analysts in creating knowledge from large volumes of security records. The overarching requirement for situational awareness, which is essential in many security applications to support knowledge building, implies a strong need for visualisation support to engage the analyst in complex data analysis tasks. The challenges of developing interactive cybersecurity data analysis and visualisation systems are related to the multidimensional nature of the data and its dynamic nature. The development of interactive data visualisation models will allow cybersecurity analysts to assess the situation faster and better as well as to develop new knowledge for analysing cybersecurity threats.Fog computing is a new and emerging computing paradigm that extends the cloud computing paradigm to the edge of networks devices. As an architecture, fog computing encompasses an evolving range of application areas, including the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems on the Internet, and embedded artificial intelligence systems. The main characteristics of cloud computing are the wide geographical distribution of devices, mobility, a large number of nodes, the prevalence of wireless connectivity, real-time systems, and the versatility of the technology and environment. Cyber security and power consumption are among the problems of fog computing, which are solved by the development of new secure and low-resource cryptographic algorithms and protocols, service orchestration methods.The impact on sustainable development relates to research on information and information technology security and energy consumption systems.

Research topics:

  1. security of computer networks and cyber-physical systems,
  2. situational awareness of cyber security and visualization,
  3. fog computing security issues,
  4. orchestration of fog computing services, 
  5. computer forensics.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Smart Cities and Resilient Communities
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
Information and Communication Technologies -> Cyber security
Research Fields
Informacinės ir ryšių technologijos


Doctoral students
