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Research group - Cryptographic and Blockchain Systems

About – Research Group of Cryptographic and Blockchain Systems is a leader in the field of cryptography in Lithuania, and also possibly in the Baltic States. Research results are presented in the number of publications and were used in several projects funded by EU: FP7, Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programm, EC DG Home Affairs, and two projects funded by Lithuanian Research Council.

Mission of the group – The development and security analysis of new and perspective cryptographic methods for cryptographic data protection and their integrating in ciber security systems, blockchain technology and internet of things (IoT). To participate in the project and study activities in these field. To disseminate importance of cryptography and data security among the society and to stimulate new talents to choose associated studies.

Vision of the group – To create new secure cryptographic information protection methods being effective in their realization and resistant to quantum cryptanalysis.


Priorities of R&D Activities Digital Transformation
Lithuanian Smart Specialization Priorities
Information and Communication Technologies -> Cyber security
Research Fields
Finansų technologijos
Taikomoji matematika


Doctoral students


Research services