Composition of the Doctoral Committee of Chemistry
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Vytautas Getautis, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Eglė Arbačiauskienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Marytė Daškevičienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Saulius Grigalevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vytas Martynaitis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Vytautas Mickevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Algirdas Šačkus | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Eugenijus Valatka | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Rimantas Petras Venskutonis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023
Dr. Raimundas Šiaučiūnas, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Kęstutis Baltakys
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Joana Bendoraitienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Habil. Juozas Vidas Gražulevičius |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Daiva Leskauskaitė |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Naglis Malys |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Habil. Algirdas Šačkus |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Aušra Šipailienė |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Eugenijus Valatka
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Virgilijus Valeika
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Petras Rimantas Venskutonis
Kaunas University of Technology
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Andrius Jurelionis, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Kęstutis Baltakys
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Karolis Banionis
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Gabriel Beko
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Raimondas Bliūdžius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Rimvydas Kaminskas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Danutė Vaičiukynienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vitoldas Vaitkevičius |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Tadas Ždankus
Kaunas University of Technology
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Klaipėda University and Lithuanian Energy Institute. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Daiva Dumčiuvienė, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Asta Baliutė | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Arvydas Galinis | Lithuanian Energy Institute |
Dr. Halit Gonenc | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Vytautas Juščius | Klaipėda University |
Dr. Inga Konstantinavičiūtė | Lithuanian Energy Institute |
Dr. Rytis Krušinskas | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Valentinas Navickas | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Vaida Pilinkienė | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Vytautas Snieška | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Gražina Startienė | Kaunas University of technology |
Dr. Dalia Štreimikienė | Lithuanian Energy Institute |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Šiauliai University ( from 2021-01-01 Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy) and Lithuanian Sports University. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 |
Dr. Romualdas Malinauskas, chairperson | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Remigijus Bubnys | Vilnius University |
Dr. Vilija Bitė Fominienė | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Jolita Horbačauskienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Brigita Janiūnaitė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Rasa Jankauskienė | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Aija Klavina | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Irina Klizienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Juratė Požėrienė | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Diana Rėklaitienė | Lithuanian Sports University |
Dr. Edita Štuopytė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Saulius Šukys | Lithuanian Sports University |
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted until 2017 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Elena Jasiūnienė, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Saulius Gudžius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Arūnas Lukoševičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vaidotas Marozas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Dangirutis Navikas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Arminas Ragauskas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Renaldas Raišutis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vykintas Samaitis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Reimondas Šliteris | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Algimantas Valinevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Darius Viržonis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with the Lithuanian Energy Institute. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 21 June 2011
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Habil. Gintautas Miliauskas, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Algis Džiugys
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Dr. Viktorija Grigaitienė
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Dr. Audrius Jonaitis
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Habil. Algirdas Kaliatka
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Raimondas Pabarčius | Lithuanian Energy Institute | |
Dr. Robertas Poškas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Sigitas Rimkevičius
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Dr. Nerijus Striūgas
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Dr. Egidijus Urbonavičius
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Aleksandras Stulginskis University (from 01-01-2020 – Vytautas Magnus University) and Lithuanian Energy Institute. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 24.02.2012.
Regulation applied to students admitted until 2017 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė, chairperson |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Alessandra Bonoli
University of Bologna, Italy | |
Dr. Gintaras Denafas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Jolanta Dvarionienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Darius Jakimavičius
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Dr. Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė
Lithuanian Energy Institute | |
Dr. Violeta Makarevičienė |
Vytautas Magnus University
Dr. Dainius Martuzevičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Arvydas Vytautas Povilaitis | Vytautas Magnus University | |
Dr. Egidijus Šarauskis
Vytautas Magnus University
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Kęstutis Zaleckis, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Rytis Ambrazevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Rasa Bertašiūtė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Jūratė Kamičaitytė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Saulius Keturakis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Darius Kučinskas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Dario Martinelli | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Aušra Mlinkauskienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vaidas Petrulis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1009 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011. Right to doctoral studies is awarded to Vilnius Gediminas Technical University by the order No. V-574 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 17 July 2017.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Habil. Rimantas Barauskas, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Antanas Čenys | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Habil. Raimondas Čiegis | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Vacius Jusas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Tomas Krilavičius | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Alfonsas Misevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Gintaras Palubeckis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Kristina Poškuvienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Miguel Angel Fernandez Sanjuan | Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain |
Dr. Minija Tamošiūnaitė | Vytautas Magnus University |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted until 2017 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Robertas Damaševičius, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Rimantas Butleris
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vytautas Galvanauskas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Nikolaj Goranin | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | |
Dr. Arnas Kačeniauskas | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | |
Dr. Rytis Maskeliūnas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vidas Raudonis |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Algimantas Venčkauskas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Marcin Wozniak
Silezian University of Technology (Poland)
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted until 2017 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Asta Pundzienė, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Richard Adams | Cranfield University, United Kingdom |
Dr. Lina Dagilienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Agnė Gadeikienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Žaneta Gravelines | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Monika Petraitė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Diego Prior Jimenez | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Dr. Asta Savanevičienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Mantas Vilkas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Maximilian Joachim von Zedtwitz | Kaunas University of Technology |
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted until 2017 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Habil. Arvaidas Galdikas, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Mindaugas Andrulevičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Jurgita Domskienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Habil. Juozas Vidas Gražulevičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Saulius Grigalevičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Viktoras Grigaliūnas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Šarūnas Meškinis
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Daiva Mikučionienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Rimvydas Milašius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Jolita Ostrauskaitė | Kaunas University of Technology | |
Dr. Habil. Sigitas Tamulevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Charles University in Prague and the University of Göttingen in Germany. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-339 of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania of 25.03.2024.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2024 |
Dr. Hab. Minvydas Kazys Ragulskis,chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Robertas Alzbutas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Jorg Brüdern | University of Göttingen |
Dr. Miloš Kopa | Charles University in Prague |
Dr. Mayur Pal | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Daiva Petkevičiūtė-Gerlach | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Tomas Ruzgas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Kristina Šutienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Jan Vecer | Charles University in Prague |
Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Renaldas Raišutis, chairperson
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Joana Bendoraitienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Paulius Griškevičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Elena Jasiūnienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Paulius Kaškonas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vaidotas Marozas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vytautas Petkus | Kaunas University of Technology | |
Dr. Arminas Ragauskas
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Ramunė Rutkaitė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Reimondas Šliteris
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Egidijus Žukauskas
Kaunas University of Technology
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Aleksandras Stulginskis University (Vytautas Magnus University from 2020-01-01). Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1019 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 8 June 2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Habil. Vytautas Ostaševičius, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology | |
Dr. Habil. Rimantas Barauskas | Kaunas University of Technology | |
Dr. Regita Bendikienė
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Rolanas Daukševičius
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Gintautas Dundulis
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Rimvydas Gaidys
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vytenis Jankauskas | Vytautas Magnus University | |
Dr. Giedrius Janušas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Vytautas Jūrėnas |
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr. Juozas Padgurskas |
Vytautas Magnus University
Dr. Habil. Arvydas Palevičius |
Kaunas University of Technology
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (coordinating institution). Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-574 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 17 July 2017.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Dr. Olegas Prentkovskis, chairperson | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Habil. Marijonas Bogdevičius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Gintautas Bureika | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Marija Burinskienė | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Algirdas Janulevičius | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Artūras Keršys | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Alfredas Laurinavičius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Habil. Sergejus Lebedevas | Klaipėda University |
Dr. Saugirdas Pukalskas | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Laurencas Raslavičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Habil. Henrikas Sivilevičius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Dr. Stasys Slavinskas | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Edgar Sokolovskij | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with the University of Southern Denmark. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1009 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 16 November 2016.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2023 |
Dr. Hab. Sigitas Tamulevičius, chairperson | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Brigita Abakevičienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Diana Adlienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Hab. Arvaidas Galdikas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Jacob Kjelstrup-Hansen | University of Southern Denmark |
Dr. Giedrius Laukaitis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Liutauras Marcinauskas | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Šarūnas Meškinis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Horst Günter Rubahn | University of Southern Denmark |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Klaipėda University and Vytautas Magnus University. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Dr. Auksė Balčytienė, chairperson | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Andrius Bielskis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Eglė Butkevičienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Giedrius Česnakas | The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania |
Dr. Jaroslav Dvorak | Klaipėda University |
Dr. Mindaugas Jurkynas | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Šarūnas Liekis | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Irmina Matonytė | The General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania |
Dr. Gintautas Mažeikis | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Vaidas Morkevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Saulius Pivoras | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Robert van Voren – Johannes Bax | Vytautas Magnus University |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Social Research Centre. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-1124 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania of 08.06.2011.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2017 – 2019 |
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2020 and later |
Dr. Aušra Maslauskaitė, chairperson | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Jolanta Aidukaitė | Lithuanian Social Research Centre |
Dr. Aistė Balžekienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Rūta Brazienė | Lithuanian Social Research Centre |
Dr. Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Donatas Burneika | Lithuanian Social Research Centre |
Dr. Eglė Butkevičienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Vytis Čubrinskas | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Diana Janušauskienė | Lithuanian Social Research Centre |
Dr. Vylius Leonavičius | Vytautas Magnus University |
Dr. Sarmitė Mikulionienė | Lithuanian Social Research Centre |
Dr. Vaidas Morkevičius | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Audronė Telešienė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Dr. Artūras Tereškinas | Vytautas Magnus University |
Right to doctoral studies acquired in cooperation with Vilnius Academy of Arts. Right to doctoral studies approved by the order No. V-2188 of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania of 02.12.2021.
Regulation applied to students admitted in 2022 |
Assoc. Prof. Romualdas Kučinskas, chairperson | Vilnius Academy of Arts |
Assoc. Prof. Gintaras Balčytis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Assoc. Prof. Vytautas Biekša | Vilnius Academy of Arts |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė | Kaunas University of Technology |
Prof. Dr. Tomas Grunskis | Vilnius Academy of Arts |
Assoc. Prof. Rokas Kilčiauskas | Vilnius Academy of Arts |
Assoc. Prof., Chief Researcher, Dr. Vaidas Petrulis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Assoc. Prof. Gintaras Prikockis | Kaunas University of Technology |
Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Zaleckis | Vilnius Academy of Arts |