Funding possibilities

University researchers have the opportunity to receive financial support for the implementation of research activities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the means of financing scientific activities in more detail.

KTU has a long successful experience in the implementation of science and innovation projects which ensures the quality of project’s implementation, management and administration processes.  About 1000 academic employees who work in research groups in 9 faculties and 8 research institutes carry out scientific activities at KTU. The list of projects implemented by KTU can be found on this link: list of projects »  KTU intensively aims to develop R&D&I activities, institutional cooperation at national and international level.

Research and innovations activities are coordinated by KTU Research and Innovation Projects Centre.

The aim of the Research and Innovation Projects Centre is to ensure the quality of project’s preparation and administration processes that are carried out by academic units as well as to develop appropriate competences in order to compete successfully for financing for R&D&I activities in Lithuania, the European Union and beyond. The team of the Research and Innovation Projects Centre assist researchers to find the most suitable international or national funding program for R&D&I activities, to prepare a proposal for science projects, to administer implemented projects, to represent interests of KTU in other organizations in order to expand potential international relations in project activities.

External financing opportunities for development of R&D&I activities projects

For development of international projects of R&D&I activities

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the 7-year EU’s funding program for research and innovation. The aim of the program is to ensure the competitiveness and leadership of the EU’s research and innovation activities. The program tackles global challenges, helps to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals also creates jobs, boosts economic growth, promotes industrial competitiveness and optimises investment impact. The program consists of three main areas:

  • Pillar 1 Excellence Science ( ERC, MSCA, Research Infrastrutures);
  • Pillar 2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness;
  • Pillar 3 Innovative Europe (EIC, EIT, EIE).

The part of the program “Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area” aims to reduce disparities of research and innovation activities between all European countries. For more information about Horizon Europe visit: Research Council of Lithuania website, Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology website European Commission website.

Digital Europe

The new EU funding program Digital Europe aims to strengthen the EU’s key digital capabilities focusing on artificial intelligence, cyber security, supercomputing, advanced digital skills and wise use of digital technologies across the economy and society. The program will also promote the digital transformation of EU’s industry in ecosystems and aim to close the gap between digital technology research and market uptake.

For more information about Digital Europe visit: European Commission website.

Research Council of Lithuania

Research Council of Lithuania initiates and finances cross-border programs (bilateral, tripartite). Participation in these cross-border programs enables high-level institutions from different countries (Lithuania-Poland, Lithuania-Ukraine, Lithuania-Latvia-Taiwan, Lithuania-France, Lithuania-Japan, Baltic Research Programme) to cooperate, to share experience and implement R&D&I activities jointly. Innovative networks are also created through cooperation.

For more information about cross-border programs visit: Research Council of Lithuania website.

COST program

COST program is European cooperation program in science and technology (European Cooperation Program in Science and Technology). The aim of the program is to coordinate national-funded research activities, to support European researchers to generate and implement new ideas and initiatives in all areas of research, including social and human sciences. COST is implemented through high-quality international networks – COST activities.

For more information about COST program visit: Research Council of Lithuania website and COST website.


The aim of the M-era.NET program is to implement materials science research at the national and regional levels in collaboration with other research funding institutions in 28 countries that unite the M-era.Net network.

For more information about M-era.NET program visit Research Council of Lithuania website.


Interreg Europe is a cooperation program that is co-funded by the EU. The aim of this program is to contribute to reducing disparities of development, growth and quality of life in and across Europe’s regions. The program aims to create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues among European regions in 29 countries – the EU27, Norway and Switzerland.

For more information about Interreg Europe visit the website.


EUREKA is intended to finance the implementation of market-oriented research-business R&D projects under the international network of Eureka Member States. EUROSTARS is an international program that finances R&D projects carried out by SMEs and supports R&D projects that develop innovative products, processes or services for commercialization in the international market.

For more information about EUREKA / EUROSTARS programs visit Eureka website.

For development of national projects of R&D&I activities

Financial support for R&D&I activities of Research Council of Lithuania. Research Council of Lithuania is one of the key financing institutions for implementation of scientific activities and projects at the national level. Financial instruments give opportunity for researchers to implement research activities on their proposed topics, to participate in national programs by implementing scientific projects, to implement other scientific activities such as organizing scientific events and visits. More information about funding tools of Research Council of Lithuania can be found here ». Calls for proposals are available here ».

Financial support for R&D&I activities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. By implementing national R&D&I activities program for agriculture, food, fisheries and rural development, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania provides financial support of targeted research and development activities. More information about financial support for R&D&I activities can be found here » and here ».

There are opportunities to implement projects funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. More information can be found here ».

Useful up-to-date information for KTU researchers about implementation of R&D&I activities and projects, relevant documents and relevant calls for proposals, conferences or other events is published on KTU intranet in section ”Research calls and actual information” or in section “Documents”.

Institutional funding for R&D&I activities

Promoting the cooperation among researchers of Kaunas University of Technologies, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Energy Institute, training the competence of young researchers, developing interdisciplinary research activities, following competitions are published annually:

  • Kaunas University of Technologies, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Energy Institute research projects;
  • Projects for target groups (young researchers, research groups) or in KTU priority research fields (artificial intelligence, etc.).

The calls for project proposals are launched annually in February or March. Projects start in April.  Results of projects are presented at annual reporting conferences of project promoters. The competitions are coordinated by KTU Research and Innovation Projects Centre.

Internal financing opportunities for scientific events

The objective of the Fund of International Scientific Events is promotion of dissemination of the results of research conducted by the doctoral students and their integration into the international scientific community.

The procedure for funds allocation, use and drawing of expense report is regulated by the Foundation’s Regulations.

The submission of applications for the Fund’s support is carried out monthly, on 1-10 of each month (except for July, August and December).

For more information:

Doctoral School
Studentų St. 50, Student Infocentre, Kaunas,
phone +370 608 13 726


External financing opportunities for scientific events

Each year KTU organises various thematic scientific conferences and other scientific events for the students of various science fields. Local and foreign research and academic institutions, representatives of state, business, industry and public institutions, Lithuanian and foreign scientists and various areas’ professionals take part in the events.

Research Council of Lithuania announces the calls for support for the scientific events each year. Provision of the support for the scientific events aims to promote Lithuanian scientific development and international scientific cooperation. More information is available here »

KTU researchers often complete research fellowships and internships at research and academic institutions and international research centres or institutes abroad. The aim of such a fellowship is to improve personal scientific qualification and to participate in exchange of information and good practices.

Financing possibilities for research fellowships:

  • Fellowships and Internships at the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA offers a wide range of different funding mechanisms for students at different levels, postdoctoral fellows, researchers. More information here »
  • Professional fellowships in the USA, supported by the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF)). More information here »
  • Research fellowships of the international Matsumae foundation in Japan (in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and medicine). More information here »
  • Short-term and long-term postdoctoral fellowships in Japan are supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). More information here »
  • The State Education Development Agency (SEDA) announces the second competition for selecting research applications under the activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid”. More information here »

Internal financing opportunities for R&D&I promotion and nomination

Competitions for the most active young researchers and doctoral students, and for the most innovative researchers

Since 1993 the University organises the competitions for the most active young researchers and doctoral students to promote their creative activities and initiatives. Since 2018 the University organises the competitions for the most innovative researchers to promote their activities in technology transfer and commercialization. The winners of the competitions are awarded premiums or one-time scholarships. The competition for the most active young researchers is open to persons who were awarded the doctoral degree not earlier than seven years ago (pregnancy and childbirth, paternity or parental leave not included). The competitions are being announced each year, in November.

Competition of the best monographs

The competition of the best monographs is organised in December of each year to encourage the University’s researchers to prepare and publish monographs and to ensure their high quality. A monograph published by any national or foreign publisher with specified affiliation of Kaunas University of Technology can be submitted to the competition. A monograph has to be published within a two-year period. The monograph’s scientific and/or professional novelty, level of the authors’ publications, significance to the field (branch) of science and the quality of the publication’s preparation are considered the main criteria of the monograph’s value. 3 premiums are awarded to the winners of the competition.

External financing opportunities for R&D&I promotion and nomination

In order to contribute to Lithuanian national scientific, social, cultural and economic development as well as encourage researchers and doctoral students, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences annually invites researchers and doctoral students to participate in different Competitions for Prizes and Scholarships – Competition for the Lithuanian Science Prizes, Competition for Commemorative prizes of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Young scientists’ and doctoral students’ research competition, etc. More information here »

One of the University’s strategic objectives is research quality improvement; therefore KTU particularly encourages publishing scientific papers in international journals, and with foreign publishers. Each year a number of high level international publications in KTU increases.

Research Council of Lithuania has announced a standing call for Lithuanian researchers to apply for support for publishing of the scientific papers in high level scientific journals and for publishing of the high level scientific books. The competition aims to promote development of research in Lithuania and to advance its global recognition, to provide all Lithuanian scientists with proper conditions ensuring that financial situation of the researchers or the institution they work for has no influence on the dissemination of the achieved research results.



Research and Innovation Projects Centre
K. Donelaičio St. 73, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 37 300 197, +370 665 15 897

Department of Research Affairs
K. Donelaičio St. 73, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania