Up2DigiSchool – A viable pedagogical approach for digital school education based on the experience of Up2U



Project no.: 2021-1-PL01-KA220- SCH-000027868
Project website: https://up2digischool.eu/

Project description:

The Up2DigiSchool project is based on the experience of Up2U project and aims at improving the current situation in digital education in Europe. It focuses on school education for students from 13 years in secondary or vocational schools. Involving the networks of high schools already activated during the Up2U project, and extending the community with new schools, partners will analyze and test the efficacy of tools and pedagogical approaches, and will provide training activities for teachers.

Project funding:

The European Union programme Erasmus+

Project results:

Learning Scenarios Repository – a pool of scenarios will be available for the users based on the different users’ needs and requirements.
E-learning platform – as part of the project, an e-learning platform will also be created, where the materials will be placed.
Guidelines – in order to support the work of teachers and tutors, guidelines will also be provided.
Teacher training program “Digital School Ready Educator” – program based on DigCompEdu and supporting of the use of the platform developed
Self-Paced MOOC “Approaches to Digital Learning”

Project coordinator: Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

Project partners: Kaunas Region Education Center, SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, National Technical University of Athens, Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea Savva AE

Gytis Cibulskis

2022 - 2025

Department of Information Technology, e-Learning Technology Centre