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Two-step synthesis of law-lime cement, its structure and properties (LIMECEM)


Project no.: P-MIP-21-256

Project description:

The environmentally friendly and economically attractive two-step synthesis technology of durable and mechanically strong low-lime cements will be created. It will allow reducing the energy consumption and CO2 emission by 25-30 %, during the production of a new binder, extending the range of alternative cementitious materials; to utilize sulfate ions intercalating them into the structure of aluminum compounds; to ensure the re-use of secondary raw materials.
The greatest technological innovation in the development of this low-lime cement will be the way the aluminate phase is intercalated. It will be incorporated during the mechanochemical and/or thermal treatment instead of mixing. For this reason, we will not obtain a mechanical mixture consisting of calcium silicates and aluminates, but composite CA/Si/Al compounds. Moreover, the SO42- group, which controls the setting time of the cement, will also be intercalated into the structure of aluminate rather than added during clinker milling. This technology will allow to release additional molecular bonds and increase the reactivity of the compounds.

Project funding:

Research Council of Lithuania, Projects carried out by researchers’ teams

Period of project implementation: 2021-04-01 - 2024-03-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Raimundas Šiaučiūnas

2021 - 2024

Department of Silicate Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology