The development of the model of international internships and training in foreign enterprises and international organisations (in the countries of the EU, EFTA and NATO) for the teachers and the students of I-II cycle of Lithuanian higher education institutions


Project no.: VP1–2.2–ŠMM–08–V–02–003

Project description:

To increase higher education internationalisation by the development of the model of international internships and training

Project results:

60 students attended non formal learning programmes 60 teachers attended non formal learning programmes

Period of project implementation: 2010-11-30 - 2013-09-05

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Project partners: Klaipėda University, VŠĮ "LCC tarptautinis universietas", Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Neringa Narbutienė

2010 - 2013

International Relations Department