Fibre-reinforced plastic composites (FRPC) are widely used in advanced fields such as aviation, shipbuilding, wind energy, etc. FRPC structures, during exploitation, lose loadbearing capacity because of local damage, icing, water absorption and other factors. The specific objective of the MIRACLES fundamental research is FRPC with the tailored additional functionality of damage monitoring, de-icing, self-sensing, and moisture barrier protection. These functions are implemented using thin MXene-dopped coatings and (or) interlayers.
The interdisciplinary and intersectoral consortium of six academic and four industrial partners from six EU countries has complementary expertise in Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Sciences. The greatest impact of this innovation will be achieved by making FRPC structures safer, cleaner and cheaper.
Project funding:
EU Research and Innovation Funding Programme “Horizon Europe”
Project results:
Novel two-dimensional MXene nanoparticles uniquely combine high electrical conductivity and mechanical properties realised under the high alignment of the particles in thin coatings and (or) interlayers. The workflow in the project combines theoretical modelling and experimental research with nano-engineered technologies for validation, upscaling, and demonstrating. Novel eco-friendly methods of MXene delamination and exfoliation will be explored together with the possibilities of reagent recycling. An automated spray and print methods with precisely controlled nanoparticle quality will be explored. Layer sensitivity will be improved with the new technology using different nanoparticle and polymer configurations. New surface temperature annealing, antioxidants, and protective polymer coatings will be explored to increase stability further.
Period of project implementation: 2025-01-01 - 2028-12-31
Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology
Project partners: LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, Ustav polymerov Slovenskej akademie vied, verejna vyskumna inštitucia, Company "SYNPO", UAB "Stido", Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET