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Integration of Advanced Non-Destructive Testing in the Composite Materials Ecosystem: Innovation, Reliability, and Safety


Project no.: S-PD-24-32

Project description:

This project represents a pioneering approach in the integration of advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques within the domain of composite materials, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for monitoring such materials. One of AI’s most profound contributions to composite material monitoring is its ability to analyze intricate data derived from NDT scans with unparalleled precision. AI algorithms excel at identifying even the most subtle defects, ones that might elude human observers. This capability holds paramount importance as it allows for the early detection of defects, thereby ensuring the structural integrity and safety of composite materials.
The objective of this project is to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data processing techniques, including image analysis and multifractal signal analysis, to elevate the application of composite materials. These innovative approaches will be further strengthened by techniques such as 3D- digital image correlation, high-speed cameras, Local defect resonance, and other state-of-the-art methodologies.
The proposed idea is multidisciplinary and combines computational-experimental mechanics with AI. It covers also a number of research topics like: NDT, progressive damage mechanics, image analysis, artificial intelligence, nonlinear analysis, material properties characterization and many more.

Project funding:

Research Council of Lithuania, Projects of Postdoctoral fellowships funded by the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Period of project implementation: 2024-02-01 - 2026-01-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Paulius Griškevičius

2024 - 2026

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design