Innovative composites for optoelectronics: deposition of inorganic semiconductors on the surface of structural textiles of various compositions and investigation of properties


Project no.: S-ST-23-64

Project description:

Solar elements (SE) that are traditionally made from silicon are expensive, rigid, and brittle. Scientists have been working for many years to develop a flexible and functional SE component that could be integrated into textile, used not only to make clothes or complement traditional architectural solutions but also for various high-tech purposes, from transistors to complex medical implants. The miniaturisation of photovoltaic devices in the last 25 years has also increased the application of construction textiles. The combination of textiles and inorganic semiconductors is an original (innovative) solution because inorganic semiconductors have a broader spectrum of light absorption than organic ones. The intention is that chemically obtained composites of inorganic semiconductors and construction textiles will be promising SE structures due to straightforward production technology, low capital investment, and efficiency.

Period of project implementation: 2023-10-04 - 2024-04-30

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Valentina Krylova

2023 - 2024

Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology