Implementation of sustainable technologies using by-product bio-refining schemes ensuring productivity and product quality of different animal species


Project no.: 35BV-KK-19-1-10857-PR001

Project description:

The problem is being solved during the implementation of the Project, by a consortium of specialists (coordinating institution Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), partner Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and six agricultural companies engaged in cattle, pig and poultry farming (representative of Šakiai District Lukšiai Agricultural Company Kastytis Krištolaitis, ŽŪB “AUGA Smilgiai” representative Ignas Šilinskas, UAB “Kontvainiai” and UAB “Vingininkai” representative Laurynas Vadopalas, S.Petkevičiaus įm.”Petkus” representative Sigitas Petkevičius, JSC “Zujų paukštynas” representative Rita Kasakaitytė and Consulting service), compensating for the lack of the production efficiency and principals of the circular economy technologies in the agricultural sector application, by creating added value technologies for the effective development of the livestock sector.

Project funding:

The project is funded under Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014- 2020 under activity “Support for the creation and development of EIP activity groups”

Project results:

The forecasted result of the project is more efficient development of the livestock sector and higher quality production, obtained by applying sustainable technologies conditions. By implementing/optimizing production technologies in Lithuanian livestock (pig, dairy, poultry, traditional and organic farming) farms, local resources will be more effectively used, obtaining higher value-added functional feed raw materials, which will result in higher productivity of farm animals, lower costs for animal rearing and higher quality of the production.

Period of project implementation: 2020-10-27 - 2024-06-30

Project coordinator: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Project partners: ŽŪB “AUGA Smilgiai”, UAB “Vingininkai”, UAB "Kontvainiai", Lukšių žemės ūkio bendrovė, Kaunas University of Technology, VŠĮ "TĘSTINIO MOKYMO IR KONSULTAVIMO CENTRAS", S.PETKEVIČIAUS ĮM.PETKUS, UAB "Zujų paukštynas"

Gražina Juodeikienė, Romas Gružauskas, Romas Gružauskas

2020 - 2024

Artificial Intelligence Centre