Establishment of the Santaka Valley technology transfer and business incubator


Project no.: VP2-1.4-ŪM-04-V-01-005

Project description:

To found Santaka Valley Technological Business Incubator and Youth Entrepreneurship Centre

Project funding:

European Union Structural funds

Project results:

Building and related engineering communications and infrastructure were established (Baršausko g., Kaunas); the building was built and equipped (4500 sq.m. building, 5 km of engineering networks, 3,5 km outdoor communication network)
Equipment for Open Access business R&D laboratories were obtained (4 sets)

Period of project implementation: 2009-02-02 - 2015-12-23

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Evelina Meilienė

2009 - 2015

Office of the Director of Organisational Development