Entrepreneurs for Innovative Change System (E4IC SYSTEM)


Project no.: 785108

Project description:

Project is aiming to explore entrepreneurial learning through mentoring. Parallel several action/coordination based activities are planned, i.e. to send young Lithuanian entrepreneurs for exchange to experienced entrepreneurs from EU, USA, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Israel as well as invite foreign future entrepreneurs to Lithuanian SME. Basing on in depth interviews from both sides of entrepreneurs, the qualitative research will be accomplished.

Project funding:

EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME)

Project results:

Action based activities:
-Training and mentoring of young entrepreneurs in Lithuania;
-Exchanges of young entrepreneurs as well as experienced mentoring and shadowing (at least 10 participants).
Research based activities:
Basing on in depth interviews (qualitative research) from both sides of entrepreneurs, the qualitative research will be accomplished.
Project partners: Projekto partneriai: KTU, Sofijos universitetas „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Įmonė „Alfombra Roja”, Europos verslo asociacija, Nevyriausybinė organizacija „Net in action”, Įmonė „Codex societa cooperativa”, Įmonė „Grantxpert Consulting”, Didžiosios Britanijos – Portugalijos prekybos rūmai

Period of project implementation: 2018-02-01 - 2020-01-31

Project coordinator: Foundation "FUNDEUN"

Project partners: British - Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, Company "Codex societa cooperativa", Non-profit social organization "Net in action", Grantxpert Consulting Limited, Alfombra Roja AB, Kaunas University of Technology, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Aušra Rūtelionė

2018 - 2020

Academic Centre of Economics, Business and Management, School of Economics and Business