Development and testing of synergetic advanced oxidation technology (SAOT) based hybrid prototype for drinking water purification and wastewater treatment


Project no.: TPP-03-016

Project description:

During the last decade, groundwater and surface water sources suffer from the excessive load of hardly degradable compounds, entering water environment together with polluted water streams. Traditional polluted water treatment systems are ineffective or expensive to maintain, when water streams, polluted with hardly degradable compounds, have to be cleaned. Therefore, hardly degradable compounds enter the food chain without any precautions and directly influence the overall performance of vital processes of the living organisms. The aim of this project is to develop and test fully automated, synergetic advanced oxidation technology (SAOT) based hybrid prototype, which is tended to be used for the treatment of effluent polluted with hardly degradable compounds. Hybrid SAOT prototype is a simple and very effective system, which can be applied to treat various polluted water streams. One of the target fields, where hybrid SAOT can be applied are the smart cities. Recovery of water from the wastewater can become a favorable option using hybrid SAOT prototype; therefore, the major principles of the life cycle assessment and circular economy can be maintained using this system.

Project funding:

Projects funded by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology

Period of project implementation: 2019-11-01 - 2020-10-31

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology

Project partners: MB "Bioksa"

Vytautas Abromaitis

2019 - 2020

Department of Environmental Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology