The aim of the action is to develop an inclusive and holistic approach to industrial symbiosis (IS), creating synergies between the various actors, based on the stakeholder model, and laying the groundwork for greater and more robust knowledge development, while at the same time fostering a future of results-oriented research and development.
Project funding:
COST actions
Project results:
Overview and analysis of recent developments in Industrial Symbiosis IS.
Development of new design strategies and solutions to enable IS implementation.
Development of guidelines for the implementation of the Industrial Symbiosis IS business model.
Identification of other existing sustainable and innovative business models that could be implemented.
Development of a conceptual framework for new training material to improve future IS learning.
Period of project implementation: 2023-10-24 - 2027-10-23
Project partners: Albania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Israel, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Hungary, Malta, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey