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Challenges of EU Green Deal for Economic Development – 5i: Integration, Investment, Innovation, Industry, Influence


Project no.: S-PD-22-23

Project description:

In order to develop a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, the European Commission has adopted the EU Green Deal. Unambiguously, the implementation of the EU Green Deal will affect 5 important dimensions in each EU country: 1) the integration of climate change mitigation measures, 2) investment from available resources to meet future challenges, 3) innovative solutions that will change society’s daily life to adapt to the EU Green Deal, 4) digital and an environmentally friendly industry; and 5) an assessment of the impact on the country’s sustainable economic growth. Each EU country will not only have to identify priorities, but also measure progress through economic growth, social welfare and environmental change. Therefore, the aim of the research is to develop a comprehensive evaluation methodology to assess the economic impact and potential benefits of EU Green Deal investments in the public and industrial sectors. The intended aim will be achieved through the challenges associated with the EU Green Deal 5i: to assess technological change, available financial and economic resources, opportunities for R&D&I efficiency and strategic goals for innovation in different EU countries. The research tasks will be solved by analysing the panel data, so the main applicable mathematical methods are selected according to this data type.

Project funding:

Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Projects of Postdoctoral fellowships funded by the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Period of project implementation: 2022-11-03 - 2024-11-02

Project coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology,Lietuvos mokslo taryba

Kristina Šutienė

2022 - 2024

Department of Mathematical Modelling, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences