BUILD UP Skills Lithuania – rebooting the National Construction Platform and Roadmap (LIFE21-CET-BUILDSKILLS-REBOOT-SKILLS-LT)

Project no.: 101076274

Project description:

Launched in 2011, the BUILD UP Skills initiative is supporting the upskilling of building professionals across Europe, to deliver building renovations offering high-energy performance as well as new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEBs). This topic aims to facilitate the rebooting of the National Qualification Platforms, Status Quo Analyses and National Roadmaps developed under the first phase of BUILD UP Skills (2011-2012, ‘Pillar I’), to ensure alignment with the EU 2030 energy targets.
The first objective is to support the revitalisation of the National Platforms created in the first phase of the BUILD UP Skills initiative (2011-2012), gathering all key national stakeholders. Since the first platform was established ten years ago, the project will aim at expanding its scope by involving new stakeholders.
As a second objective, the rebooted National Platforms will update the Status Quo Analysis and National Roadmap to reflect the new realities of the building sector. This will be done by addressing the necessary skills development activities related to digital technologies, and smart buildings including e-mobility, resource efficiency, circularity, integration of renewable energy technologies, heating, and cooling, industrialised deep renovation, Life Cycle Carbon Assessments, etc. while considering the wider EU recovery context.
The project involves partners, who closely cooperated in the implementation of the first Build UP Skills initiative project while developing the initial status quo and roadmap for the construction sector skills 2020. All partners also participated in follow-up activities, including construction skills project ENERGOTRAIN, and Horizon 2020 BIM skills promoting flagship projects BIMPLEMENT and UBIEP. Therefore, the consortium is well positioned to take over further responsibilities to update the status quo analysis and deliver a new roadmap for 2030.

Project funding:


Period of project implementation: 2022-09-01 - 2024-03-31

Project coordinator: Lietuvos statybininkų asociacija

Project partners: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, VŠĮ Statybos sektoriaus vystymo agentūra, Regioninis inovacijų vadybos centras, Kaunas University of Technology

Darius Pupeikis

2022 - 2024

Civil Engineering and Architecture Competence Centre, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture