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Biotechnological Anti Freezing Coating (BioAFC)


Project no.: project8253

Project description:

This is a combine project with collaboration research partners from Lithuania (KTU, Kaunas) and research partners from Turkey (SUNUM, Istanbul). Also, the business partners from Turkey are involved in the project (VBE, KA). There are several main objects, which are rises in this project. The first one, to develop environment friendly and effective anti freezing bio-coating for different areas of industry (SUNUM) The second one, to develop and investigate ultrasonic guided wave technique for identification and characterization of icing processes on the surface of material. Also, to investigate the bio-coating influence on ice acceleration processes (KTU).

Project funding:

EU ERA-NET and other coordination measures

Project results:

). The analysis of the literature shown that vast majority of proposed ice formation characterization methods are oriented for particular sector, and it is quite problematic to transfer them to other areas. These methods often use various technologies and have different specifications, sometimes with no clear indication of their efficiency. The second very important thing is development of environment friendly antifreezing bio-coating, which can be perfectly transfer for different industry sectors: aerospace, air-conditioning, wind energy sector, refrigeration, high-voltage lines ant etc. Throughout the project two main problems are rises: 1) Creation of environment friendly, efficient and safe bio-coating; 2) Evaluation of effectiveness of bio-coating, and identification and characterization of ice formation processes. To fulfill the tasks foreseen during the project, during the first year of the project implementation, the investigation of bio-coating formation processes was investigated. Also, the different coating methodic, depending on material parameters (metal, glass, silicone) were adapted. The testing samples were prepared (SUNUM). Development of universal set-up for acoustic measurement of ice formation in a real condition (temperature range from +2400 C to -2300 C) was performed (KTU). The propagation of guided waves in thin layered metal structures were investigated. The suitable guided wave modes were selected to evaluate the ice formation impact on acoustic parameters, determining their through-thickness distributions, attenuation, excitation efficiency, sensitivity.

Period of project implementation: 2021-05-03 - 2024-04-30

Project coordinator: Vestel Beyaz Esya Sanayi ve Ticaret AS (VBE)

Project partners: Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM), Kansai Altan Boya Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS (KA)

Regina Rekuvienė

2021 - 2024

Laboratory of Ultrasonic Measurements, Prof. K. Baršauskas Ultrasound Research Institute