Baltic Pilot Cases on Reduction of Emissions by Substitution of Hazardous Chemicals and Resource Efficiency (Life Fit for REACH)

Project no.: LIFE14 ENV/LV/000174
Project website:

Project description:

The project aims to encourage Baltic companies to abandon hazardous chemicals that have a negative impact on human health and the environment. The main objective is to demonstrate the environmental and human well-being impacts of replacing hazardous substances with safer alternatives, and to develop a „methodological blueprint“ for substitution.

Project funding:


Project results:

The main results Development, assessment and analysis of environmental impacts and socio-economic impacts caused by the substitution of hazardous chemicals; Development of recommendations for substitution of hazardous chemical substances and for pollution reduction; Complete or partial substitution of hazardous chemicals in partner companies; Development of Information technology tools for the management of chemicals in enterprises.

Period of project implementation: 2015-10-10 - 2020-12-31

Project coordinator: Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia

Project partners: Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia, Company "Hendrikson & Ko", Estonian Health Board, Company "TENACHEM", Company "Mayeri Industries", Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania, Ecodesign Competence Center, Kaunas University of Technology, Company "Marijampoles pieno konservai", Company "Henkel Makroflex AS", Company "Epokate OÜ", Company "Vakaru Metalgama", Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, Center for Environmental Policy

Jolita Kruopienė

2015 - 2020

Institute of Environmental Engineering, Office of Resource Efficiency Management and Cleaner Production